Chapter 10

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(Z's POV)

When we finally got to the park most of the paparazzi had followed us asking questions like: "Is that an engagement ring on your finger Zendaya?" Or my personal favorite even though I already had the answer "Since you are engaged when will the wedding be?" Val and I sat down while we watched the dogs go play. "Val this is so wonderful you, me and the dogs here together watching them having fun." I said. "I know but after we hangout with the dogs, and eat lunch there's somewhere special that I want to take you to love." Val said. "Oh... And where is this special place that you are taking me?" "Babe if I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." "But Val that's not fair you know I hate surprises." "Oh that's a lie Dayachka we both know that you love surprises but you just hate waiting for them." "Well yea because I hate counting down the minutes how would you feel if it was our anniversary and I had a surprise for you." "Well as your fiancé I would wait I want us to be patient so that when our wedding night and anniversary comes it will be perfect now how about we take the dogs back home, get some food, and then we'll go to our special destination." "Alright then."

We then got the dogs and left the park to go home, while Val ordered Chinese to be delivered by the time we got home. Once we got home we saw the delivery guy waiting for us, Val paid for the food while the dogs and I walked inside and laid out on the couch. Val walks over to us and hands me my food. "Thanks babe." "Your welcome babe." While I was eating I wondered where Val is going to take me like a few days ago he told me to pack a few clothes, so all I can say that we are not gonna be here for a few days which is fine with me as long as I get alone time with him. "Dayachka are you ok?" I snap out of it and look at Val and laugh. "Yea babe I'm great I was just thinking about something." "Oh ok love are you almost done eating we gotta get ready to leave." "Yea just give me a few minutes you go ahead and put our stuff in the car." "Ok I'll be back." Once Val leaves to get our bags and put them into the car, I finish eating and see Val walk towards me. "Are you ready to go love?" "Yep let's go." Val takes my hand and helps me off the couch, we hug the dogs, and leave the house to get into the car and drive off.

After getting through traffic we get onto the highway and I look out to the ocean watching the sun shine down on it. "So Val are you going to tell me where in the world we are going the suspense is killing me!" "Nope I'm not telling you Z guess you'll have to wait and fine out where we are going." "Fine could you just tell me how long the drive is gonna be?" "It's.... Nice try but I'm still not telling you love just relax and listen to some music it will get your mind off of it I promise." I turn the radio up and slowly fall asleep while Val continues to drive to where ever we are going. "Dayachka wake up we're here." I wake up and look at our surroundings to see where we are and I have no clue. "Val where are we?" "If you come with me I'll show you." Val gets out the car and walks over to my side to open the door for me and helps me out the car and we walk into this building. When we were inside Val turns on the lights and then it all comes to me. "This is the Dance with Me studio right!" "Yep you seen the other two in New York so I thought we could come here and dance for a bit." "Yes! But what about music?" "Don't worry I got it covered, now let's do some contemporary." "Um ok but shouldn't we change first?" "Do you want to change clothes love?" "I do Val I want to wear something so I'm not that hot ok be right back." I walk over to my bag, grab it and run to the restrooms to change. I walk back to the room that we were in and I see that Val isn't in the room, suddenly the door opens and Val comes in just wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else while I'm wearing a shirt that's unbuttoned, shorts, and a bra. "Before we start love can I just say you look amazing Dayachka." I blush and walk over to Val. "You don't look too bad either Valentin." Val then walks over to the stereo, presses play, and walks back to me. The stereo starts playing 'Blue Ocean Floor' by Justin Timberlake and we start to dance. While I'm dancing with Val all of my feeling from when I was on DWTS came back to me all at once I thought that we would do the same routine from 'Feel Again' but I was wrong Val was touching me the way I wanted him to touch me since we met I felt empowering, sexy, and confident.

Once the song ended our lips were all over each other. I didn't know that he felt so much lust and passion for me, even though I wanted to continue kissing my man I had a surprise of my own for him. I stopped kissing Val, walked over to the stack of chairs to grab one, and sat it in the middle of the room. "I want you to sit right here baby I have a surprise for you also." Val walk to the chair and sits while I walk over to the stereo to play 'Don't Hold the Wall' once the music starts play I go over to the mirrors and start dancing in front of them. I can see that Val is watching me like a hawk and I'm just enjoying this, when I turn towards him he starts to get up but I walk over to him and push him back into the seat, sit in his lap, and continue to dance. I feel Val's lips on my neck and it feel amazing and the way he's touching me I don't want this feeling to ever go away. I look in the mirror to see that Val is also looking with lust in his eyes and can I say how hot that is I'm getting so turned on that I want to stop dancing for him and make out with him so badly. After the song was over we were both hot, sweaty, and majorly turned on. "So um Val where are we going to sleep tonight?" Val didn't say any word to me he just pulled me closer to him and made out with me. "I don't want to worry about that right now all I want to worry about is taking care of you." "But Val we have to sleep somewhere I'm hot and sweaty." "I know love I am too but what you just did a few minutes ago was so hot and sexy I want you so bad." I kiss Val's neck and whisper in his ear. "I can tell that you want me babe but we promised so no." I get off of Val's lap and get my bag while Val looks at me with him big old puppy eyes. "No means no Valentin now please come on I'm tired." Val finally gets up and we walk out of the studio as Val is locking up the studio I keep thinking about what happened in there and how warm I feel, Val then unlock the car and we get in. "So I know that it's not a long drive back home but I know you are tired so why don't we stay here for the night?" "Oh we are babe we are staying at our summer home tonight." "Oh yay! Let's go then." Val starts the car and we head to his family's summer house.

Well that was AMAZING don't you think I'm sorry that it took me a while to update because it's Sexy Sunday on tumblr and all the Valdayaer er ers are going crazy and I was writing this and reading other people's stuff. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you want more please vote, comment, and share also if you listen to JT's album I swear that it reminds me of Valdaya just listen to it you will think so too. ;)

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