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It had been one week since my seventeenth birthday. A lot of stuff happened... I mean a lot. My mum was making me go to speech therapy now, she said that the way I was communicating with the rest of the world wasn't practical and she wouldn't just stand there watching me setting myself up for failure. I honestly didn't want to do this though I knew she was right that it wouldn't get me far. Yet I'd never tell her she was right.

I had started texting Elizabeth which was nice, we talked every night after our actor director course. It was really weird because I became really nervous when I texted her, I would check my phone about 10 times after I sent one message. One minute felt like 30 and when she replied, it felt like the first rain drop after a thousand year drought. I know I might be stretching if a bit but honestly that's the only way I could describe it.

Elizabeth wasn't the only new person I started texting. That night of my birthday after I went home Maddy started texting me. We'd talk about anything and everything. She'd talk about the songs she likes and shed send me the lyrics to it. There were a few I could understand why she liked them. I was so curious about this one song called electric love, she lent me a pair of headphones one day and showed me the song, not like I could hear it but I felt the beat. It had this beat that was so strong and interesting when I'd turn up the volume loud enough for me to feel it on my ears and on my neck if I put it there. Bum bad-um bum, bum bad-um bum. I'd drum it on my lap and on desks and on windows and every sturdy surface I could get my hands on.

When I felt it on my ears, according to Maddy I had a look so full of glee it was ridiculous. It made me smile which didn't only made her show off her pretty smile but it made her freckled noes crinkle and reveal her usually hidden indents in her cheeks.
This last week we had become less like ticking time bombs getting ready to snap at each other and more friendly towards each other. I liked when we were at peace with each other, it's not like I hated her in the first place but I always got agitated when she was around me or when she was talking about jamie or when they were hanging out in front of me... I don't know why, I suppose I was still a little touchy about Jamie choosing her over me to hang out with. But now that I had Elizabeth to be with, it would be okay.

Elizabeth had asked me if I had answer for her about that dance or party or whatever it was, I said yes obviously so I could spend more time around her. My mum was more excited than I was about this, at my birthday she kept teasing me about Elizabeth but I got bothered because she thought Maddy was Elizabeth and Elizabeth was Maddy. So really she was teasing me about Maddy which wasn't right because I was interested in Elizabeth. I kissed Elizabeth, not Maddy.

Maddy already had someone, not like she wanted him though. It made me feel so bad because Jamie would be so crushed but he wouldn't show it, he'd just act normal and then when he got home he would take it out on the punching bag in the back room until his knuckles bled and all bruised. Jamie seemed like a calm and happy person but when you got him mad, you should just start running. It's really hard to get him mad so it's scary when he is. I don't know how he's going to react when Maddy tells him, if she ever does. Why would she even do this to him and to herself? You'd think she would know better from experience, I'm positive she's had loads of boyfriends and admires and so she'd be an expert at saying no. I don't think I'd ever have the guts to say no, I'd probably just ignore them. Maddy had really stepped in it. To me she was a lost little girl who just made a mistake.

It was Saturday morning, I was in a small coffee shop inside a train station waiting for Maddy. I had agreed to meet her so we could just figure out what she was going to do and so that maybe we could try making things a little less cold between us. We decided to meet at a train station which I had just arrived at 10 minutes ago. I sat in the coffee shop looking around with no sign of Maddy. I sat down with a large cup of white hot chocolate and read the paper that was left on the table by the last person occupying my seat. The cover was the latest thing ISIS had done, it made me role my eyes and also caused my stomach to turn. My eyebrows furrowed with disappointment.

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