Lovi and Feli-Ch.7

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(Y/n) =Your name
(F/n) =Friend name
Ragazza= girl
Bella= beautiful
Fratello= Brother


After your last class you head to one of the rooms where you had to spend detention in, meaning you had to stay in there for an hour until it was time to go home.

Walking in the room you look to see the teacher sleeping, looking to your left you see Alfred sitting in a seat, he waves and motions for you to sit in a seat.

"You got detention too?" He says with his eye brows raised.

"I was late to class this morning remeber, I ran into you.."

"Ah right sorry about that... I was late to class too...haha" He says while rubbing the back of his neck. Leaning back in his chair he smiles.

"Anyways you seem pretty cool (y/n)! We should hang out more, here I'll give you my phone number!" You nod and give him your number and he types in his number and you do the same to his phone. You both give each other your phones back. After an hour you look at the time and decide to leave, not bothering to wake the teacher up you leave the room followed by Alfred.

"Anyways I'll see you tomorrow (y/n)! Maybe at lunch!" Waving he heads to one of the buses and you decide to walk home today.

~Time skip~

After you get home you set your bag down and sit in front of your computer, watching a few videos and what-not until you see someone requesting to add you, you accept and they begin to video chat with you, you read the words "Lovino Vargas" your heart begins to race a bit and you fix your hair a bit, you accept the call and turn your Webcam on.

You suddenly see a man with dark brown hair appear on the screen, a curl sticking out of the side of his hair and a frown plastered on his face. His face turns pink when he sees you and he begins to speak.

"C-Ciao (y/n) it's nice to finally get to see you..." You smile widely at his voice and begin to speak back.

"Hi L-Lovino..it's nice to see you too" You wave shyly and take a deep breath as Lovino crosses his arms.

You both begin to talk about what had happened over the last few days, lovino saying that his brother recently got a new cat and named him "Pookie" making you giggle and Lovino blush. You mention how you met Alfred, not noticing that Lovino was seeming to get a bit jelous as he pretends to be interested in Alfred.

As you two begin another topic to talk about you hear Lovino's door open and a male voice yelling happily.

"Fratello! Are you talking to the bella ragazza?! Oh I want to see her!!" You hear Lovino cuss under his breath and see a man with light brown hair with a curl sticking out of the side of his hair and he moves beside Lovino.
He smiles brightly as he looks at you.

"Ciao bella! I'm Felliciano! But you can call me Feli, you're so pretty! Is Lovino your boyfriend?? If he isn't then I'll date you!!" You blush as Lovino yells at Feli shoves him out of his room, his face also red.

"I'm sorry about my brother (y/n).." He sits back down in his own seat, you smile.

"It's no problem Lovino, he seems really nice!" You give him another smile and he laughs softly.

After an hour or two you both say goodnight and you exit the chat, turning off your computer and head to bed and smile brightly as you close your eyes. "He really isn't as bad as I thought, he really is cute." You think and fall asleep.

Yes I have made another chapter!!

I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you in the next one!

Here are the Italian translations btw:

Fratello= Brother
Bella= Beautiful
Ragazza= Girl
Ciao= Hello


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