Chapter 12: Cameron/Bree/Winona/Seth

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Eventually (yes eventually) I could move my arm and I was all healed up. The guys and I met up at Vanessa's again. It had been a few days since Bella's wedding and Bree was back at work again.

"Miss me?" she asked. The guys weren't there yet so I was by myself at our usual booth. I didn't know how to answer that question.


"Well, I missed babysitting you," she said. I blushed. Trisha giggled like a little kid. I shot her a glare and she shut up almost immediately.

"So, are you going to Forks High School? Or is Carlisle like sending you to some private boarding school in, like Scotland?" I asked.

She squeezed my nose. "No, silly, I'm staying right here," she said.

"Owb," I said. She let go."Well, pretty soon, school's gonna start up," I said.

"I know," she said. "Too bad we won't be in the same class."

She was right, we wouldn't be in the same class. I was like a full year older than she was.

"Yeah, bummer," I said, trying not to show how really bummed I actually was.

"You want a Coke?" she asked.

"Sure," I said. Bree disappeared around the corner and came back with my Coke. I guzzled it down as the guys pushed their way inside.

"Hey, hey, hey! Look who's back!" Elliot said. Richard had one arm around his new girlfriend, Jessica and she was whispering something in his ear. He smiled as they slid into the booth next to me.

"Oh, Cam, I had no idea you had a new girlfriend!" Jessica said.

"Hah, Bree's not my new girlfriend," I said.

"He just wishes she was," Brent said, sitting across from me.

Bree rolled her eyes and took our orders. She came back with our food and then bustled around serving other tables as the regular Tuesday lunch-goers streamed into her section.

"Wow, she's pretty," Jessica said.

"I know right. Cammie won't admit how lucky he is to have such a pretty girl so close to him," Elliot said.

"Tell me about it," Trisha said, sitting on the edge of the table.

Brent threw a French fry at her. She caught it in her hand and ate it, slowly. Then she stuck out her tongue caked in mashed fry and waggled it around. "Scram, squirt!" Brent snapped at her. Jessica giggled.

Trisha got up and walked away to a seat in another section, eyeing us as she walked.

"So, how's it between you two?" Elliot asked. Elliot was almost never jealous, until he met Bree Cullen.

"Elliot, you need a girlfriend," Jessica said. "Have I seen her before?"

"Who cares, she's hot," Brent said. "In fact, she's so hot; she's as hot as hell." He burst out laughing.

"Thanks Brent," Bree said, swishing past our table. Brent blushed furiously.

After the restaurant cleared out around lunch, I drove Bree home. She was quiet and I was quiet. It was awkward silence and until we reached the Cullens' place, it stayed that way.

"So," she said.


"I've been meaning to tell you something," she said.

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