Chapter 2: Bella

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 Honestly I'm not a pbig fan of these first few chapters...I like the later chapters better, the ones i put more thought into...-.-

It took awhile but I finally convinced Edward to let me drive to Jake’s on my own.  He didn’t really want me going in the first place.  But, I wanted to be there.  There was only one problem: If Bree even tried to shake my hand, both boys would be at her throat and she would be in the fire before morning. 

            I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, it wasn’t a big affair, just the treaty being explained to Bree.  It’s not like it was prom.  Even Jacob didn’t know I was coming. 

            I got in my truck and drove to La Push, over the treaty line and into forbidden territory.  I didn’t even bother driving to Jacob’s house.  I drove straight to Emily’s house.  

            Everyone was there, except Jake.  Because he was at his own house, screaming.  I had forgotten. 

            Everyone looked depressed. 

            It had been almost three days and Edward had kept me from even looking at Bree.  She had been staying with Alice and Jasper in a motel in Port Angeles.

            I had wanted to at least swing by the house and say hi after Edward had dragged me out to lunch.  He’d insisted I go home.  I fought with him for a while until we made an agreement: I could drive myself to La Push for the Treaty renewal if he could make me stay home.  Either way, I got my way. 

            “Hey it’s the vampire girl!” Jared said when I got out of the car.  It was hard not to smile.  Underneath all the warmth, I knew he was freaking out, replaying the memories of the last two days of standing outside Jacob’s house, listening to him scream and shriek as Carlisle broke and re-broke his bones so they would set properly. 

            I smiled as he hugged me.  If I knew the Cullens, they were going to be the only ones dressed up.  Werewolves never dressed up.  Not unless it was prom or something extremely important and formal.  Not even the renewal of a treaty was important enough to dress up for. 

            Emily was sitting at the table.  “Bella, you’re here!” she said. 

            “I thought for sure you were coming with the vampires,” Embry said as Emily hugged me. 

            “Does Jake know you’re here?” she asked. 

            “Well, not really,” I said. 

            “He’ll be surprised,” she said. 


            We walked deep into the woods.  Carlisle had gone early to tend to one of the wolves.  Alice had dressed me all up in a red dress and combed my hair back. 

            She held my hand while we walked through the woods.  “We’re getting closer.  Feel free to cover your face,” she said.

            That’s when I smelled it.  The worst smell ever.  Wet dog is the nastiest smell ever.  Everyone else covered their faces.  I wanted to be strong so I trudged on, eyes watering.  But, underneath all of that I could smell something: Blood.

            The burn in my throat returned.  The blood was clean of liquor mostly.  It was earthy and warm.  I focused on that smell, pushing the wet dog out of my mind.  This must be how the Cullens keep their eyes so brown. 

            We reached a creek.  I made a move to jump over it but Alice held me back. 

            “They’re coming,” Edward said. 

            Who’s they?  I watched as several pairs of eyes appeared out of the darkness.  They were big eyes.  Too big to be human eyes.  Then, out of the shadows came wolves.  They were the biggest wolves I’d ever seen.  I hadn’t really gotten a good look at the ones at the battlefield where we fought.  But, these were the same ones. 

            They were the source of the wet dog smell.  They blocked out the blood smell completely.  I winced.  My hand flew to my face instinctively.  Carlisle and someone else stepped in behind them. 

            The other person was tanned, American Indian I guessed.  His hair was short and black and he was shirtless except for gauze wrappings covering his torso and right shoulder.  And then there was Bella.  She was between Carlisle and the other kid.  She looked so small next to them.  She smelled so good from a distance.

            “We’re here to tell you the rules!” the boy yelled across the creek. 

            I stared back at him. 

            “Long ago, a treaty was made between your coven and the wolves.  Uphold it and we will be good friends.  Break the rules and you start a war that could kill all of us,” he hissed. 

            I nodded.  There was something about what he was saying that told me that disobeying whatever rules were laid down would cost in my death first. 

            “If you suck the blood and kill any human here, you will have broken the rules.  If you so much as cross this creek into forbidden territory without permission, you will have broken the rules,” he snarled. 

            He was as much of a wolf as the others. 

            “You should listen to Jacob.  He means what he says,” Alice whispered in my ear.  I believed her. 

            Then it was over.  Alice pulled me back into the woods.  I half expected Edward to get her from the other side of the creek and drive her home with us but I saw Jacob give him this impish little kid grin as Carlisle jumped over the creek. 

            Edward stared at him intensely but Jacob just grabbed Bella and pulled her into the trees. 

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