Chapter 11: Seth/Bree

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Jacob and Sam rocketed past me in a flurry of brownish fur and growls.  Their thoughts bounced off of my skull like a ping-pong ball on a wood table.  A chunk of fur flew up into the air.  It wasn’t Jacob’s and I knew that for a fact. 

            Jacob ended up on top, snarling angrily.  He got off of Sam and loped off out of the woods towards his home.  Sam snapped at me and I winced away with a whimper.  I walked home shamefully, running naked into my house, straight for my room. 

            I kept thinking about Winona.  How had she been able to keep her clothes on all that time?  And how come her shoulders hadn’t broken immediately when she turned human again?  I pulled on my jeans and a t-shirt and lay face down on the couch. 

            “Get up or watch Degrassi with me.”  I moaned. 

            “Go away Leah,” I said. 

            “What?” she hollered, sitting on me. 

            “Get off,” I said; my voice muffled my couch pillows. 

            “Yeah, yeah,” she said. 

            I started to shake.  “Leah…” I said warningly. 

            “Okay, Gawsh,” she said, getting up. 

            “What’s wrong with you?” she asked. 

            “Nothing,” I said.

            “Is it that girl that calls you ‘Wolf-boy’?” she asked. 

            I looked up.  “You heard that?”

            “Well, yeah, she like screamed it,” Leah said. 

            “Well, yeah,” I said.

            “What’d she kiss you?” she asked eyes wide. 

            “NO!  Sam made me attack her.  She’s not just human.  She’s a shape-shifter,” I said. 

            “Oh!  She’s the girl Sam keeps talking about,” Leah squealed. 

            Don’t tell her I’m back. Jacob’s thought bounced through my head. 

A Breaking Dawn Re-writeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant