Chapter 1: Bree

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he Cullens took me home a few days later.  Edward, the redhead, took his human girlfriend home in a different car. 

            “Edward’s not comfortable with you around.  He’s very…protective of Bella,” Carlisle explained. 

            I understood.  He had a reason to be. 

            “But, he didn’t have to be so cold,” Alice said, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. 

            I smiled.  

            “Now, Bree, you can’t go to school for a few months, maybe a year or two unless you prefer contacts.  Those are easy to find,” Carlisle went on, pulling onto a long winding road into the woods. 

            Pine trees stretched high above us on all sides us.  And then it opened up, onto a wraparound driveway in front of a beautiful three-story house with big, wide open windows.  It was so modern and beautiful and perfect. 

            “Such an upgrade as opposed to where you lived with the newborns huh?” Jasper said. 

            All I could do was smile and nod.  This was a major upgrade compared to the cruddy basements of abandoned cabins in the dark shadowy woods of Washington State. 

            “Well, unless, you have an unfinished basement I have to sleep in, than yes, this is amazing,” I said. 

            Alice smiled.  “Oh, you’ll love your room,” she said. 

            My room was on the third floor, across from Alice’s room.  Next to Edward’s room. 

            I peaked in Edward’s room before mine.  It had this huge, luxurious bed ( why he needed it I wasn’t sure) and lots of music.   There was music on the far back wall and a big stereo and a couch on the window wall and, of course, a picture of Bella. 

            It was hidden on a shelf covered in books, squished between Wuthering Heights and the Complete Works of William Shakespeare.  I didn’t mean to snoop, but I was curious.  The room was drenched in her scent.  Even though it was stale, it was everywhere.  Especially on the bed. 

            I got out of there as fast as I could and went to my room.  My room was beautiful.  There was a huge, beautiful couch and a bookshelf full of more modern romance novels.  Stuff like the stuff you get out of the teen fiction section at Borders.  None of the boring old “classics” where someone dies in the end and you end up wondering, “How did this become a ‘classic’?”

            There was also a small rack of music with several albums on it.  All my favorite artists lined those walls.  Coldplay, The Fray, Meg and Dia, and Paramore were just a few.  My closet was filled with dresses of every kind. 

            Who had done all of this? 

            “Alice knew there would be a new addition to the family soon, so she bought a ton of stuff and made up a room.  She couldn’t see your face in her visions but she knew what you liked.”

            I whirled around.  I shrieked.  Edward was standing there, staring directly at me.  His eyes were black.  For the first time since she bit me, I was terrified. 

            Alice was standing behind Edward the second I shrieked. 

            “What happened?” she asked. 

            “Edward scared me!  He snuck up on me!” I said.  If I could cry, I would’ve. 

            Alice glared at him.  He slowly shuffled out of the room. 

            “Steer clear of Ed for awhile until you get used to being around humans.  He’s been on edge ever since Bella’s last birthday party here,” she said. 

            I blinked.  “Don’t tell her Alice!” Edward called from the other room. 

            Alice rolled her eyes and left. 

            “We’re going somewhere special tonight.  I’ll come help you get dressed later,” she said

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