Chapter 13: Bree/Seth

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(This editor is weird. It won't take my formatting so I have to go through and fix this whole thing >_> Seth's italics were like an important part of this story)


Bella being in our house with the biggest, fattest swollen belly ever and skin so deathly pale I thought she was dead every time she closed her eyes did not bode well for anybody. Especially not poor Jacob Black who walked into our house trying to save Bella's life from his disturbed friends and almost fainted at the sight of her. Obviously the poor dude was outraged when he saw the love of his life laying on the couch as pale as a ghost looking like she was six months pregnant. I half expected him to burst into tears but he just said, "Bella, whoa," and moved on.

Poor, poor Jacob Black. "Hey Jake," Bella said. Did she have any idea what she had just put him through? Sure, it would've broke Ed's non-beating heart too if Jacob married Bella, but hell, frankly, I think Jacob could treat her better.

"Jacob, can I talk to you?" I asked. He looked at me, and I waved my hand, beckoning for him to follow.

We walked deep into the woods, all the way to this cliff that overlooked the water, the same cliff the border ended at. "Vent," I commanded.


"You know you're angry about all this..." I said.

"Shit! Hell yeah! I hate this shit! Goddammit I hate this shit!" Jacob yelled. He picked up a big rock and hurled it over the cliff. He was shaking with anger.

I yelled words of encouragement. "He stole your girl!"

"Yeah!" he said, hurling a rock with each motivational phrase.

"He married her!"


"And goddammit, he got her pregnant and didn't tell Charlie!"

"You dirty bastard, Edward Cullen," he hissed, hurling his last rock over the cliff. He was panting.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah! Thanks," he replied. He grabbed me and hugged me.

When he let go he was grinning. We walked back together. He seemed more relaxed than when he had come through the front door.

He immediately sat in front of Bella on the couch as Alice came to me and said, "Cameron's waiting outside."

At work, guess who was there: Cameron's crew, Brent and other pervs included, all sitting in my section.

"Hey beautiful!" Brent called, winking at me as I walked pass him with a few customers' orders.

"I didn't know they were coming," Cameron said. "Riiight," I said.

"Really," he said. "I swear."

I flicked his nose as I waltzed past him in the kitchen. "I know," I said. He blushed.

The place was packed for a Wednesday night and I was kept on my toes. After everyone had cleared out, I was given special instruction to keep Cameron away from the dessert table. He drove me home and before getting out, we sat in his car.

"Did that kiss you gave me mean anything?" he asked again.

"Yes, I already told you," I said.

"Oh, right," he said. "Can I kiss you again?" he asked.

"Help yourself, I'm your girlfriend, right?" I asked.

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