Chapetr 3: Bree

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I wanted to talk to Edward.  I wanted to know what he had against Jacob.  It took a lot of courage to walk to the next room.  I was so scared I forgot to knock.  He was sitting there.  Just sitting.  He had his stereo on and he was staring blankly at the wall.  He looked up at me with his black eyes. 

            “Uh, I wanted to ask you a question,” I muttered. 

            He kept staring.  My heart would have been thudding in my chest.  The look on his face said, “Then ask.”

            “You don’t need to know anything about anything between Jacob and me,” he said cooly. 

            He’d read my mind. 

            “No,” he said. 

            Tell me! Please! I thought desperately. 

            “You don’t need to know,” he snapped.

            “She’s going to find out from someone else if you don’t tell her Edward so you might as well,” Alice said, skipping past the door towards the stairs.

            Edward narrowed his eyes at his sister but she only smiled and disappeared down the stairs. 

            “Leave,” he said.

            I gave up then.  I slammed the door on my way out.  I lay face down on my couch, listening to Paramore. 

            Someone banged on the door.  I moaned. 

            Alice pushed the door open. 

            “He didn’t tell you.  So I will,” she said.  She closed the door shut behind her. 

            “Bella and Jacob have been friends for years.  But Edward really hates Jacob.  Because, well, you know, he’s a werewolf. 

            “But, since Edward can read thoughts, he learns too much.  And he’s learned that Jacob’s in love with Bella and will do anything to keep Bella for himself. 

            “So, both boys are extremely protective of her so, I advise you learn to control yourself in front of Bella.  It could cost you a few limbs if you don’t,” Alice said.

            “Why doesn’t Edward just turn Bella into a vampire?  I mean, wouldn’t it be way easier on all of us.  Edward could easily stake his claim on Bella and-,” I said.

            “Yeah, but, that would be against the treaty and it would really piss Jake off.  Besides, Edward is afraid he’ll make Bella a ‘monster’” Alice said.

            “That’s insulting to himself and the rest of us,”

            “And, at the same time, he and Jacob are still fighting over who’s better for her.  Currently, it’s Jacob 10, Edward 0,” Alice said.

            I laughed. 

            “If you want to ask Bella about this, I’ll give you her cell number,” Alice said.  She slipped a piece of paper out of her pocket and a small package to go with it. 

            “It’s a cell phone,” she said.  “Brand new, it has a touch screen and everything.”

            I smiled thanks as she left. 

                       I stared at the paper with Bella’s phone number on it.  I called.  The phone rang twice. 


            “Um, hi Bella, it’s Bree,” I said shakily.

            “Oh, hi Bree.  What’s up?”  she asked. 

            “Uh, well I was wondering about you know, the thing, between you and Jacob and Edward.  You don’t have to tell me.  Edward wouldn’t tell me.  Alice told me a little but…”

            “Oh, well.  I don’t know if we should talk about that if Edward can, uh, ‘hear’, in the next room.  Maybe when Edward learns to trust you not killing me when we’re alone, we’ll have girl time with Alice and I’ll tell you then,” she said.

            “Okay, thank you.  I’ll work on it,” I said.

            She hung up.  At least I finally had a reason to get Edward to trust me.

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