Chapter 6: Bree/Cameron

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I took Winona with me to the Restaurant to start my shift the next day only to see, guess who, Cameron and all his friends smooshing Trisha into the end of the booth. 

            “Hey, Winona, come here,” I said.  I led her over to the table where they all sat.  “Guys, meet Winona.  She’s new.  She’s my friend.  Win, get to know some people,” I said, pushing her towards the table. 

            “Okay!” she said, sitting next to James.  I ran into the back to pull on my uniform.  I swung myself over to the table where I saw Brent looking at Winona’s breasts across the table while Richard told a story about Jessica.   

            “So what can I get for you guys?” I asked. 

            “Well, first you can-!” Trisha started from her end of the table. 

            Brent’s loud whistle interrupted her mid-sentence.  “Wow,” said Elliot. 

            “Climb Trish!” I said.  Trisha wiggled out of the space between the wall and Richard and scrambled across the table, landing with a thud on the floor. 

            “Oh!  Hey little blonde girl, didn’t see ya there!” Brent said. 

            “Uh, can we get like, four plates of Mozzarella sticks, Bree?  Thanks,” Cameron said.

            “Of course!” I said smiling.  I turned on my roller blade clad heels and skated away. 

            “Four Mozzarella stick plates!” I said into the kitchen.  I skated back and forth until I heard the doorbell tinkle. 

            “Hello, 4?” Candice said. 

            “Yeah,” I heard someone say.  The stench of wet dog nearly choked me as I watched them follow Candice to my section of booths.  They all sat down.  There were three big guys and a smaller looking girl who looked just as tough.  They sat in the booth across from Cameron and company.  I saw Winona look up at them and then turn away. 

            I skated over to their table.  “Hello, my name is Bree, I’ll be your waitress.  Can I get you something to drink?” I asked. 

            One of the boys leaned towards the other and whispered something in his ear.  I could just make it out.  He said, “Cullen.”

            “Yes I am a Cullen, is there a problem?” I asked, pushing my brown hair behind my ear. 

            “Yeah is there a problem?”

            Winona was standing right behind me.  The girl looked up at me.  “Oh, just a few cokes if you don’t mind,” she said. 

            “Coming right up!” I said. 

            I skated away, filling a few cups with coke and skating back to the table.  Winona was still staring at them from her seat next to Elliot when I glided over.  I set the cokes down in front of them.  “Thank you Bree.  Can we get a few plates of pasta?  It doesn’t matter what kind but at least eight plates,” she said.  She touched my hand.  Her skin was hot, but bearable. 

            “Sure thing,” I said.  I scribbled eight plates of pasta marinara on my pad and skated away. 

            I clipped my order to the chef’s thing and called the order in.  I skated over to the table with all my new friends again and saw Trisha sitting on Cameron’s lap like a little kid.  She winked at me. 

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