Chapter 5: Damaged Goods

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She snapped out of her nightmarish memory at the sound of her name being called. 

“You okay? I called you like five times.” Stacey held up a flowery blouse with a studded collar. “I can’t get the price to come up on this shirt.”

“Oh, I didn’t hear you.” Krystal ran the scanner in her hand over the bar code on the shirt’s tag. “19.99. But it’s marked down on sale to fifteen.”

“You sure you’re alright?”

Krystal nodded. Other than the fact that she was still having flashbacks about Jay, she was fine.

She manufactured a smile. “You better go ring that lady up before she throws a fit.”

Stacey returned to the customer waiting impatiently by the register at the front of the store and Krystal went back to arranging a display of new arrival hats and scarves.

They both worked part-time at Forever 21 even though truth-be-told Krystal didn’t actually have to work. Her parents took care of everything the whole time she was in school.  They’d hoped she would pick a college closer to home in San Francisco, but when she decided on UNLV they supported her all the way. 

Sophomore year her dad had even leased a condo for her over her mom’s protests because he didn’t want his “baby doll” cramped up in the dorms any longer. Technically, Krystal was spoiled, but she liked being responsible and earning her own spending money anyway.

A few minutes later Stacey was paging her to the front.  The same annoying customer was standing there looking angry.

“Is there something I can help you with, ma’am?”

“I hope so! I’m trying to exchange these jeans and this girl says you can’t take them.” She gestured at Stacey.

Krystal held up the pants in question.  The pockets and seams were frayed and torn.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but she’s right. We can only exchange unworn merchandise.”

They called the manager and the lady swore up and down to him that the jeans were like that when she bought them only she didn’t notice until she got home. He caved in and gave her a store credit.

“Dang, that’s one customer I’m glad to see go.” Stacey mumbled under her breath. “I would’ve given her twenty dollars to get out of my face lying.”

Krystal giggled and poked a finger through one of the holes in jeans. “I know right! I can’t believe she tried to act like she never wore these raggedy things.”

“Hey, isn’t that Larry?” Stacey squinted across the mall atrium at the video game store and started waving. 

Larry paused in front of the store.  Even in the crowded mall he was clearly recognizable by his huge afro and the fact that he was at least a head taller than everyone else.

Krystal grabbed Stacey’s arm and pulled her out of view. “Cut it out!”

“Why? I’m trying to get his attention without yelling his name like a hoodrat. Do you think he saw me?”

“God, I hope not.”

Stacey smirked. “I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I think he likes you.”

“No, he doesn’t. That’s crazy.  Why in the world would he like me?”

“Hmmmm…I don’t know. Let’s ask him. Pssssst! Larry!”

He looked in their direction for a second before disappearing inside the shop and Krystal’s insides did a back flip.

“Staaaawp, Stacey! I’m serious.”

“Okay, fine. Have it your way. But I’m going on break and if I just happen to bump into him…oh well.” She sauntered across to the video store.

Krystal shook her head and tossed the tattered pair of jeans into the damaged goods bin under the counter.  Some things can’t be taken back.  She sighed sadly at her own reflection staring back at her in the display case.

Some things can never be fixed.

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