Chapter 9: Impulsive

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Stacey rolled onto her stomach and grabbed for her cell phone ringing on the nightstand, but she had to reach over Sam to do it.

"Move, fool!  You see me trying to get to my phone."

"Whatever, man."  He dodged her kick aimed for his side, his eyes never leaving the TV.  "You need to turn that thing off.  You're missing the best part."

She and Sam had known each other since middle school and they'd dated and broken up so many times that no one took them seriously anymore.  Now he was more like her brother except sometimes they still fooled around.

She answered the phone breathlessly.  "Hello?"

"'s Laurent."

"Oh, on for a second, please."  Stacey virtually somersaulted off her bed and out into the hallway of her grandmother's small ranch-style house.  Sam looked up quizzically, but he was accustomed to her craziness so he ignored it and went back to watching the show.

Since she lived at home with her family, it took her a minute to find a quiet spot.  Her half-deaf grandmother was in the living room watching The Food Network with the volume blasting and her ratchety cousins were playing spades in the kitchen cussing and slapping the table every time one of them won a book.

She finally settled on the bathroom and locked herself inside.

"Okay, I'm back.  You still there?"

"Yeah, but why're you whispering?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Stacey hesitated.  "I don't live by myself.  There's lots of people at my house."

"But don't you have a room?"

"Yes, but I can't talk in there right now."

"Why not?"  Laurent was lying shirtless on the enormous king sized-bed in his room staring at the ceiling.  He played with the drawstring on his sweatpants while he waited for her response.

"It's complicated."  She exhaled loudly.  "Did you call me to ask me twenty questions?"

"No.  I called you because I wanna see you."

Stacey went mute for a few seconds and leaned against the sink in the dark bathroom twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.  His accent sounded delicious and she could feel her face flushing.

"Why do you want to see me?"

Laurent bit his bottom lip on the other end of the phone.  "It's better for me to show you than to tell you."

"You don't even really know me."  She challenged him, but he could hear in her voice that she was smiling.

"I'm trying to get to know you."  His voice deepened as he changed positions and rested his left arm behind his head.  "Come see me."

There was a long pause as she crossed her arms across her chest contemplating his invitation.

"It's late and it's short notice.  You should've called me earlier."  Another pause.

Laurent listened to her breathing then asked again.  " coming?"



Stacey studied the intricate swirl pattern on the ceiling of Laurent's private bedroom in the extravagant suite at the Aria and questioned her own judgement.

Maybe she should've consulted a lifeline by calling Krystal before she made such a brash decision.  Especially since she'd lied to Sam by telling him she was going to Krystal's house.

Laurent finished unbuttoning her shirt and lifted her slightly to tug off her jeans.  There was no way to pretend like this was anything more than what it was—a middle-of-the-night booty call. But damn it all.  At that moment, she didn't care.  She lay in the middle of the huge bed with the taste of his mouth lingering in hers overwhelmed by the sights in the fancy room and the sound of some rhythmic music she didn't recognize playing in the background.

Laurent loomed over her naked except for his boxers, muscles rippling, an expression of lust all over his face.  He kissed her bare stomach and felt her quivering a little bit.

"You want me to stop, ma chère?"  He asked softly even though his pulse was racing.

Stacey stroked his hair and shook her head.

"No, don't stop."


Larry swiped his key card on the access pad of the hotel suite and went inside.  Walking past Laurent's closed bedroom door he heard a female voice calling his brother's name and what sounded like furniture moving.

He went to his room, fell across the bed, and pulled a pillow over his head.  Merde.  He should've stayed at Krystal's.

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