Chapter 7: Mean Girls

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Terilyn huddled with her clique in a corner of the modern dance studio after class.  She was bragging and the other two girls were hanging on her every word.

"So then I said 'I know all your videos by heart' and he said I was cute."

"Oh Em Gee!  I can't believe he said you were cute."  The brunette named Erin trembled with excitement while the bleach blonde Jenn fanned herself like she was about to faint.

"Yah, me neither.  I'm dying.  I totally ship you and Larry."

"Well, believe it ladies."  Terilyn swung her hair and tied a sweatshirt around her tiny waist preening and soaking up every bit of her friends' jealous admiration.  "He's been creeping on me, but I'm playing hard to get.  I gotta make him work for it."

"Creeping on you?  Where?"  Erin's eyes bucked out.

"In the hallway after class.  He's probably out there now."

Jenn skipped over to the door and peeked out the square glass window then flipped back around to face the girls.  "She's not lying, Erin.  He's out there right freakin' now!"

Terilyn picked up her bag.  "C'mon, girls.  Let me show you how a real diva does it."

Jenn and Erin followed her out the door like two puppies then hung back while Terilyn boldly approached Larry.

He was propped up in his spot next to the water fountain waiting for Krystal when he saw some girls come out of the studio.  One of them kept standing there staring at him.

He assumed she was a fan so he said something even though he didn't feel like it.  "Hey, what's up?"

Terilyn batted her eyes and smiled.  "I keep seeing you.  It's not nice to follow people."

Confusion crossed Larry's face.  He had no idea what she was talking about.  "Ummm...were you in my workshop?"

"No.  Try again."  Terilyn patiently played along with his little cat-and-mouse game confident that he knew who she was.

But Larry was tired of her already.  He gave up.  "Maybe you're mistaking me for my brother."

"No, silly!  You met me at your battle last weekend.  But you knew that.  That's why you're out here.  I'm kinda unforgettable."

Larry checked his watch.  He was getting more fed up by the minute talking to this stuck up girl he didn't even remember.  What was taking Krystal so long today?

He dropped his manners.  "Actually.  You're not."

Terilyn's mouth fell open and her face burned.  "You can't talk to me like that!"

"I think I just did."  Krystal finally came out and Larry brushed past all three girls to stand beside her.

Terilyn, Erin, and Jenn all glared at Krystal.  She pulled her long black sweater closer to her body under the scrutiny of the girls' mean faces not knowing what she had walked into.

Larry put his arm around her and steered her toward the exit.  "Let's go.  It's boring out here."


The next day the threesome showed up at Forever 21.  Krystal was tagging some t-shirts when Terilyn rolled up on her.

"Ugh.  Shouldn't you be over in the plus-sized section?"  She flashed a stank face while Erin and Jenn snickered their approval.

Krystal's head snapped up.  She recognized Terilyn from class, but she was a year younger and they had never been friends.  She glanced around to see if her manager was anywhere nearby because if she was about to have to read this bitch she didn't want to lose her job doing it.

"I know you're not talking to me, trick."  She spat out the last word.

"I don't see any other big girls around.  Do you?"

Krystal dropped the shirt she was holding and moved toward Terilyn intending to snap her tiny behind in half.  Erin and Jenn backed away.  They were cool with Terilyn, but they felt like they were definitely too cute to get a scratch on them trying to help her out.

"Whoa, hold up!"  Stacey rushed over and jumped in between them.  Krystal lunged over Stacey's shoulder and grabbed a handful of Terilyn's hair.

Stacey made Krystal let go and held her friend back.  "I said hold up!"  She lowered her voice to a loud whisper to avoid attention.  Thankfully it was a slow day and no other customers were in the back area of the store.

"What's going on here?" Stacey demanded.

"What's going on is I'm about to catch a case. That's what's going on."  Krystal balled up her fists.

"You really think Larry would choose you over me?  He's just using you!"  Terilyn smoothed her hair back down and sniffed as she turned to leave.  "Learn your place, fatty."

The threesome left the store and Stacey doubled over laughing.

"Wow!  You're already having to fight other women for your man."  Ever since her episode with Laurent in the photo lab that she hadn't told Krystal about, Stacy completely understood the powerful hold the twins had over women.  She reached for her phone excitedly.  "If you want I can call my cousins and 'nem and we can run up on her in the parking lot after school."

"First of all, we're not running up on anybody."  Krystal snatched the phone out of Stacey's hand.  "Do you want to get expelled right before we graduate?"  She took several deep breaths trying to calm down.

"Second of all, Larry's not my man.  We're just friends.  He doesn't like me like that."

"Are you serious, chica?  All the time he's putting in plus the way he looks at you?"  Stacey picked up the shirt off the floor and gestured with it.  "If you can't see he likes you like that then you need to go get your eyes checked."

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