Chapter 6: A Sliver of Happiness

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"Larry, hurry up!  We're gonna be late."

The twins' manager had pulled some strings to get them a free suite at Aria while they were in Vegas and it was fabulous.

Laurent was sprawled across the lavish couch eating a banana from a complimentary fruit bowl and scrolling through his phone contacts hoping to line up his personal entertainment in advance for after their dance battle that night.  He hated it when all his women were mad at him at the same time.

The model was upset that he wasn't spending every waking moment with her while he was in town and the hairdresser was pissed because she saw him out a couple of times with the model. All the rest of them were randoms and he wasn't in the mood to roll the dice.  He cursed and scratched his head.

"Let's go, bro."  Larry appeared at the top of the stairs carrying a bag with their music equipment in it.  Laurent stood up and tossed him his phone.

Larry caught it without even looking.  "What're you doing with this?"

"I'm trying to find some new friends."

"Oh my God, Lau.   I told you not to pick my phone."  Larry's lock screen password had been his pet dog Aswan's name since forever and he made a mental note to remember to change it.  "Who did you call?"

"I didn't call anybody."  Laurent stretched and yawned.  "But that girl called you."

"What girl?  You're not supposed to answer it!"  Larry quickly scrolled through his history.  The last time Laurent answered his phone he got him in trouble with at least three females and Mama.

He saw an incoming number he didn't recognize and wondered if it could have been Krystal.  He'd helped her with her choreo a couple of more times and they exchanged numbers, but they hadn't talked outside of school yet.

"You know, the little funny one.  Red."  Laurent ignored his twin's fussing as he slipped on his leather jacket.

"Oh.  What did she say?"

"She said tomorrow she wants to show us the pictures she's gonna use."

Laurent silently interpreted the expression on his brother's face.  He knew he'd been hoping it was the other girl Krystal who called.   He also knew he'd been staying late on campus dancing with her.

He didn't care about Larry's secret crush as long as it didn't get in the way of their twin time together.


Krystal double checked her phone like she had been doing constantly since she gave Larry her number a few days ago.  For a moment she let her mind wander to the possibility that he could be interested in her for something more than dance then instantly gave herself a reality check.  Nah, that's ridiculous. I'm dreaming.

"Don't forget to sign in before you leave, you guys!"  She yelled out a reminder to the students.

As the senior teaching assistant in the junior-level modern dance class it was her job to take attendance and help the instructor monitor their progress.

"Here you go, Dr. Barnes."

"Thanks."  The professor took the sign-in sheet from her.  "Of course I'd rather see you out there on the floor...hint, hint."  Krystal had been one of her most promising students before she suddenly took a leave of absence a year ago and changed her major.

"I know, Dr. Barnes.  Don't worry.  I'm still dancing on my own."

"That's great, Krystal, but I've told you before how I feel about that.  When you have a true gift like you do I think it's an insult not to share it with others.  I can't understand why you gave it up, but it's never too late to start again."

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