Chapter 10: Kiss and Tell

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Krystal jerked awake and sat up straight in bed.   She'd had the same nightmare she always had...Jay pinning her down hurting her as she struggled to get away followed by her running through a dense forest trying to find her clothes.  She went to the bathroom and splashed cool water on her face then showered.

As she was getting dressed for school her mood brightened thinking about Larry.  She slipped on a pair of sandals to show off her new, pink painted toes along with a matching tank top, eye shadow, and lipstick then grabbed her bag and headed out the door.


Larry was at school early.  Their workshop hadn't started yet so he and Laurent were hanging around the office flirting with the middle-aged secretary at the front desk because they'd figured out how to get her to give them candy.  Laurent fawned over photos of her kids while Larry did a goofy dance to make her laugh.

"Awww, you guys are too cute!"  She fished out two bags of Skittles from her bottom desk drawer.

"Merci beaucoup!"  They sang out in unison and each of them kissed one of her hands.

Larry tossed a handful of Skittles in his mouth and bopped out into the hallway.  He noticed there was a new flyer hanging on the wall.

Attention Seniors:  Sign up for "The Last Dance" contest.  15 graduating students will be selected from this list to audition their final original choreography at the University.  After careful consideration by faculty members, nine of the works will be chosen for presentation at the showcase with a panel of celebrity judges.

He scanned the rows of signatures underneath for Krystal's name, but it wasn't there.  After checking up and down the hall to be sure no one was watching he dug inside his backpack and pulled out a pen.


Krystal ran into Stacey the minute she stepped into the dance building which was odd since her photography classes were on the other side of campus.

"Wow, look at you!"  Stacey gawked at Krystal's colorful fitted tank top.  It had been a long time since she'd seen her friend dress that way—showing off her shape instead of hiding it under a baggy shirt or dark sweater.  "Wait.  What happened?"  She pulled Krystal to the side and whispered,  "Did you and Larry...?"

"No!  Nothing happened.  We just hung out that's all."

Stacey wasn't convinced.  "Mmhmm."

Then Krystal focused in on Stacey's face.  There was something different about her, too.  She was always perky, but she looked especially happy and glowing that day.

"Maybe I need to be asking you the same thing.  Girl, what happened to you?"

"What are you talking about?"  Stacey dodged the question.

"I'm talking about why is your whole head glowing like that?"

Laurent walked by and spoke to both of them, but his eyes lingered longer on Stacey.

He smiled.  "Hey, Red."

Stacey waved and tried to look normal.  "Hi, Lau."

Krystal pushed open the door to the locker room and dragged her inside.

"Oh hell no!  You never let anybody call you Red.  You hate that."

"I know, but he—"

Krystal put up her hand and shook her head.  "Don't even bother trying to explain it.  I can see it on your face."  She was shocked and amused.  "How? I mean, when...?"

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