Twenty-three: "Michael you just did not."

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Yesterday me and the boys had a really long Skype call. Michael was quiet the whole time. Luke and Ashton messed around a bit, so Calum was annoyed and took the laptop and had a single convo with me. Right now I'm with Niall because I forgot something at practise.

"Thanks Niall, I wouldn't know how to survive without my Chemistry binder", I say sarcasticly.

"I know, how should you survive, like seriously I can't live without mine", he jokes.

I laugh and invite him inside. We go to my room. Thank god mom and Harold aren't home, they wouldn't want Niall to be here even though I explained that Niall is only my best friend. They think Niall and I are a couple. My mother doesn't like Niall since I came home the one day where Niall told me that he and Amanda were together. She thinks Niall just wants to use me. My mom told Harold about that day and since then he hates Niall, too. I still like Niall a lot more than I should. He's just so nice and good looking, you can't resist this Irish guy.

"How do you feel about the Amanda thing?", I ask Niall.

He smiles and sits down on my bed in front of me.

"I'm done with her", he answers.

"And is there already someone else you threw an eye on?"

"Yeah, she's beautiful and I know her since this school year. She plays football. I really love her green eyes. she makes me really happy when I see her. She even has the same music taste as me."

"Is she from another school? She seems to be nice", I smile.

"She's actually at our school. She wears band shirts all the time and likes to be sassy."

"Do you mean Erica from the girls team? She's really nice", I say surprised.

"No, she's nice but not my type. The girl I mean loves to sing in the car and was pissy because I was with Amanda. She and her friends hated me."

"Lilly from Maths class?", I ask.

"No, you idiot", he laughs.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because I like you, Max, only you. you're perfect", he smiles.

"Me?", I ask shocked.

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me", he smirks.

"What the hell, Max, what are you doing", Missy rips me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?", I ask, as I sit down on her chair again.

"You totally zoned out. You mumbled something about Niall and then got up."

"Sorry, I was in my thoughs too much", I say blushing.

"Max, you have to tell Niall about your feelings. It's important for him to know about it. You love him, don't even like him anymore. You like him for more than two months, so you love him."

"I don't know, Missy. I'm just scared I'll ruin our friendship. Otherwise I still have to meet my friends and ex tomorrow at the concert", I say.

"And what's the problem?"

"I think I still love Mikey."

Missy gets up from her bed and kneels down in front of me. Her hands take mine. I look her in the eyes. She smiles slightly.

"You have to tell Niall sooner or later. Michael has someone else. I trust you and believe me, Niall won't be different to you when you tell him. He'll still be your best friend. Maybe he'll need two weeks but he'll return to normal again sometime", she smiles.

"You're right but I should wait until Saturday and see what happens there. Nia will be there if anything happens, so I won't be alone", I smile.


"I love you, Max", Nia whisper shouts at me, as we arrive at the hotel.

"I love you, too", I smile.

We go to the front desk and tell the lady our names. Luke and the boys had our names put on there, so we could get in. Louis and Eleanor will be at the concert today, too, but Nia and I will be backstage or in the front row most of the time. Nia takes my hand, as we get into the elevator. Her hands are sweaty and shaky.

"You don't have to be so excited", I laugh.

"Oh, shut up, Max, you don't know how it is to meet the people who give you happiness in the darkest times", she hisses.

"I do know how that feels. It's when I see you", I smile.

"You're so cute."

The elevator stops and reveals a hallway full of security. One man checks our names again and sends us to the room my best friends are in. Nia knocks on the door, while I stare at it. It opens with a slight squeaking sound. The blonde quiffed boy stares at me in awe.

"Lukey", I smile.

"Max", he almost squeals.

He wraps his arms around my torso and lifts me up to spin me around. I laugh, as he sets me down again. He kisses my cheek.

"I missed you so much", he says, as he hugs me closer.

I pull him closer, too.

"I've missed you so much more."

He finally lets go of me and looks at Nia smiling.

"Oh, yeah, Luke, this is one of my friends, Nia", I smile.

Luke greets Nia and hugs her, while I go into the room, finding Calum sitting on one of the four beds. He immideatly hugs me and greets me with a smile.

"I missed you, Maxine."

"I've missed you, Cal."

He lets go, as Nia and Luke join us.

"Calum, Nia, Nia, Calum", I smile.

They greet each other with a hug. I see one of Michael's stuffed animals I gave him laying on one of the beds. Where are he and Ashton at?

"Hey, Luke, where are Ashton and Michael?", I ask confussed.

Nia and Calum hold up a conversation, as Luke steps to me.

"They should be out, getting some pizza for lunch", he grins.

"You thought about our favourite food? Man, Luke, you're all so cute", I smile.

"We know."

I sit down on one of the beds. Calum, Nia and Luke have a conversation going on, as I just sit there, staring at the door. It suddenly opens and the blue haired boy walks though it. His eyes meet mine, as he looks at me. I just keep my face straight, as he pulls his to a small frown.

"What is she doing here?", he spits.

"She's our friend and we invited her to be at the concert tonight", Calum explains.

"Oh, I forgot about that whore coming over. She's so attached to us because her father died. I didn't even love her and her fat ass", he groans.

"Michael, you just did not", Ashton shouts.

"Oh, yes I did."

I feel tears coming to my eyes. My feet carry to Michael. I slap him really hard, so his face jerks to the side. Nia gasps, as Michael swings after me and hits my nose. I taste the blood in my mouth. My hands wipe the tears away from under my eyes.

"I hate you", I scream at him.

"No one hates you more than me", he shouts back.

"What the hell did I even do, to deserve the way you are to me?", I say pretty loudly.

"You were a whore and you deserved it more than a little."

I turn on my heels and run out of the room.

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