Author's Note (IMPORTANT STUFF!)

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Hey you guys!

I am really sorry, but this isn't an update. I know, I haven't updated a chapter of Frosted Arrows ever since April 13 (Yes, it has almost been a whole two months!). It's not that I don't care for this book, trust me I do, I've been working my butt off on chapter fifteen this entire time, and it's not like I have writer's block or anything (In fact, I have most of this story planned out, I'm thinking about some stuff). It's just that I've been really busy with my life and I just can't update all the time. Don't worry, I'm not putting this story on hold. I've gotten so far already and  I don't want to leave you hanging on something that kept you asking for more. Literally, I have 24 comments on the last chapter, which is extraordinary for me. So yeah, I AM going to update soon, but just give me some time. How about this, I will try my ABSOLUTE BEST to get the next chapter up and ready by, let's say..... June 12? I'll try to get chapter fifteen up by then, but if I don't then later on in the week. 


Okay then, so I have some news that I would like to tell you.....

1) Book Popularity

I just love how popular Frosted Arrows has gotten. This story has been on here for almost 5 months and it already has over 10,000 reads, 288 votes, and 66 comments! Also if you type 'Jack Frost' in the search bar, Frosted Arrows is on the very first page! Please excuse my fangirling......


Okay, that felt good. Hey, did anybody just notice that I typed 'BARE' somewhere in there? I didn't even plan that! So, thank you all for making this possible for me!

2) Future Planning For 'Frosted Arrows'

I've been thinking about doing some things for Frosted Arrows near the end of the book. Here's what I've been planning:

~Write an interview chapter with Audri and myself

~Make a book trailer

~Write a sequel

One of the last chapters of the book will be the interview chapter. For the interview, I'll ask the readers to comment their questions in the previous chapter. So when I post the chapter that has the Author's Note saying to ask their questions for Audri and me, you can ask anything. Just make sure not to spam me...

I'm thinking about making a book trailer, but there's one problem. I have no idea how to make a video. Sure, I have a youtube account, but I don't actually put anything on there. So yeah, this idea might be a dud...

That's right, I'm thinking about making a second book. I already have some of the plot and the characters planned out, I just need to figure out some of the details. I also need to figure out the title. So yeah, I'm gonna try to finish Frosted Arrows, but I am nowhere close to being done, I didn't even write the action-filled parts yet!

Thanks for reading this! I will try to update soon, I promise. I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye promise. Bye!


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