How you meet- part 1

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You wrapped your hands around your steaming hut mug off hot chocolate starring out of the small busy cafe's window watching the couples walking in the freshly fallen snow that began covering everything. The warm cosy atmosphere filled with the smell of chocolate and cinnamon letting you feel at peace for the first time in your busy day christmas shopping.
As you were about to take another sip of your drink a tall blond haired man with the most perfect eyes you'd ever seen and an amazing body stood in front of you with a warm friendly smile.
"S-sorry for bothering you ma'am I was wondering if I could sit here?- it's just that all the others are taken."
You nodded smiling at his kind appearance "of course," you moved your chair noticing your bags that were spread across the floor in a mess "sorry just let me move my bags for you," hurriedly you pushed them under your chair and squashed them against the window wall.
"It's fine really," he said chuckling placing his coffee down on the table picking up you news paper "are you finished with this ma'am?"
Your head shot up hit the table, you cursed under your breath before looking up at his immediately concered expression as you rubbed the back of your head "'s (Y/N) by the way."
He shook your hand firmly smiling at his grip "Steve Rodgers."
You continued to check things off of your list glancing at the handsome man from time to time unaware he was doing the same, you put down your old scruffy note pad before standing up to get another drink when you felt a hand on yours. You turned to face Steve shocked, he immediately pulled away awkwardly before asking if he could get this one for you as a thank you, you said yes and sat back down with him talking and laughing for hours before he got a call, he frowned and put his mug down "I'm sorry I must be going."
You looked disappointedly down at your mug before nodding, he turned around quickly handing your a piece of paper with a number on it "I would love to do this again some time soon (Y/N)."
He walked out while you smiled putting his number in your phone checking your calendar immediately.


You were sat on a cream sofa looking around bored to death while having to laugh at your bosses tastes jokes, you were at an expensive New Years party with your work. There were tones of extremely important people here so you were on your best behaviour, boring. The waiter came over with a silver tray with champagne in tall glasses you thanked him and took a sip, once he walked away you golfed it down in one before placing it down on the glass table.
You walked over to the bar ordering some wine, you don't usually drink but you had to do something to pass the time. You checked the huge clock one the wall, 11 o'clock. A dark haired man in a clearly expensive suit who came and sat rather close to you ordered a shot and took it down, you turned to him "bit early to be drinking isn't it?" Just at that point your wine came completely forgetting that you ordered one, you blushed at the mysterious man as he chuckled deeply.
"It's never to early to drink babe," he took down another before taking hold of your hand and pulling you threw the crowed of guests, some gave you funny looks but you didn't care. Once you were threw you realised you were stood on a balcony over looking the ocean and the stars "what do you think?" He asked smirking in the corner of your eye.
You awed at the sight before walking to the edge holding onto the railings starring into the view "I-it's incredible."
He joined you before holding out his hand "Stark, Tony Stark," your eyes shot open and straightened out your posture before nervously shaking his hand "um (Y/N)(Y/L/N) sir," you remembered your bosses telling you about him and his company how big it was and that he was hosting the party!!
He chuckled completely changing your expression "did I miss something?"
"I love it when people freak it's a perk to being a billionaire."
You shook it off before turning back to the view just as he began walking away he kissed you on the cheek and slipping a business card under you hand. You watched him disappear into the crowed turning over the card reading the hand wrote note on the back 'you looked gorgeous tonight babe call me x T' you smiled at your feet at the thought.


You just finished a mission debriefing with Natasha, your best friend, so you went to the training room to work out before going up to your temporary room in the new S.H.E.I.I.L.D headquarters. You unzipped you skin tight black suit and wrapped the arms around your waist and put on your sports bra after you wrapped your hands in cloth and began punching the hell out of a punching bag slowly working up a sweat.
You noticed a figure in the arch of the doorway smiling "getting tired (Y/N)?" The archer chuckled, you knew it was Clint from his sarcastic voice. You weren't in the best of moods, you'd just come back from a mission in Russia and Fury was already sending on your next. Ignoring his question you nodded "Barton."
"Mind if train," he said walking up to loading and arrow.
"It's a free country," you met Hawk when you met Nat and he began to train with you both. He's you best friend never failing to get you to laugh even if you are sad. You punched it sending it flying across the room Clint stood there in awe.
You walked over to the bench unwrapping the cloth putting it back in your locker you were suddenly swept off of your feet and dropped onto the cream mat in the centre of the room "Clint what are you?"
He had you pinned down to floor so you couldn't move "I know what will make you feel better," he whispered into your ear. You loved it when you and Clint spar together, it always took your mind off of your missions, you flipped him over smirking "ready to be whooped."
You continued to spar for at least an hour while jokingly throwing witty insults at each other, you finally had him pined to floor when he flipped you over laughing "I don't think so (Y/L/N)."
You give up wriggling and sulk in defeat as he dramatically throws his muscular arms in the air in victory "I'll beat you next time...Hawkeye."
"I'd like to see you try," you stare into each other's eyes as he begins to lean down, just at that moment Nat walks in smirking.
We turned to face her "sorry am I interrupting something," Clint rolled off helping you up "Stark needs us Clint," he nodded and Nat left the room. You walked over to locker awkwardly trying not to make eye contact, you packed you bag and began to leave, Clint called after you grabbing your attention "yeah?"
"W-would um to go..grab a coffee sometime," he rubbed the back of his neck "I mean you don't have to if your busy or-"
"Of course I will Clint," he smiled putting his arrows away.
"Can't wait."
You smiled down at your feet walking out of the room.


Fury hired you as a scientist to work high up in S.H.E.I.I.L.D which of course you accepted but today he had a different job for you; assistant to Dr. Banner.
You were unsure at first but he had gone over 6 months without an incident plus he didn't scare you you knew he was calm no matter what rumours people spread.
You where carrying all of your boxes with your equipment shoved into the pockets of your old dirty lab coat. You were already late so you speed walked down the halls, which is hard to do when you couldn't really see over the boxes. You walked around the corner into your new lab in Stark tower when you fell backwards with all of your stuff spread out across the floor.
"Hey! Watch where your-" you looked up rubbing the back of your head making eye contact with a straggly brown haired man fixing his glasses, he looked so guilty and scared that he'd hurt you.
"I'm so sorry that was my fault- let me help you," he begin hurriedly putting your expensive equipment back into the boxes "I hope I haven't broke anything."
You snapped out of your trance and help put the stuff away "no sorry that was all my fault- I'm sure everything is fine."
"I'll check it all for you if you want," he smile making you want to smile back but then you realise how late you were "I'd love that but I'm really really late, I'm trying to find Dr. Banner's lab."
He stopped what he was doing and stretched out his arm "you most be my new assistant (Y/N) right?"
"Um yeah."
"Fury told me you coming."
"Sorry I'm so late you see I-"
He chuckled "it's fine really, it's a good job you ran in me."
You laughed playing his little game "you ran into me Dr," you both put you stuff away laughing and chatting while he started to show you around.

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