What he loves about you

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He loves your innocence how you would do anything for anyone especially him. He loves it when you bite you lip when you concentrate. What he loves most is how affectionate you are towards him always cuddling or holding his hand and not forgetting that you listen to his old war stories.


He loves how sexy and curvy you are always admiring you what ever you are doing. He loves your taste in fashion and furniture and that you helped him design the new tower and when you bring him food down to his lab when he's forgotten to eat and when you drag him up to bed after a really long day working.


How you can spar and train with him after work and going on missions with you. He loves your creative side and loves to paint and draw random things with you when it's raining. When you occasionally let him teach you some stuff like shooting his bow and arrow.


He admires how calm and peaceful you are to be around. Always relaxed and chilled letting him be himself around you and not havering to worry about the other guy. He loves how brainy you are and finds it fascinating to watch you work.


He adores you when you sit and play with your hair while watching TV curled up together on his chest. He loves how perfectly you hand fit together when you hold hands. He loves how small you seem in his hugs and when he catches you gazing at him.


He loves it when you go running or jogging with him in the rain. He loves it when you fall asleep in his arms as he sings to you. He loves it when you cook although your not the best he will always tell you that you are.


He loves your little laugh and cheeky smirks you give him. He loves how dominant and powerful you can be and how you always find little tricks into getting what you want. He loves it when you both read together quietly in each other embrace for hours in front of the fire.

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