You make up part 2

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You sat next to Tony watching an old rom com with a huge bag of popcorn in between you both. It was Starks attempt to get you to feel better, or at least get you stop crying. Stark knew Bruce better than anyone so he knew that he would come around soon. The door slide open on the top of the stairs turning your attention away from the never ending poor excuse of a movie.  Bruce was stood there with a sad smile something behind his back. Tony shifted awkwardly on the spot before excusing himself "I'll um..give you to some room."
You stood from the leather couch not moving from the spot though although every inch of you wanted to throw yourself into his arms "...hey," he mumbled ay the floor "I don't think I can do this."
"W-what do you mean?"
"I don't wanna hurt you (Y/N) I can't even think about putting you in danger."
"When will you realise that I trust you. I know you don't trust the Hulk," he almost flinched at the name "but he won't hurt me if your in control."
He stayed silent. Just starring at the cream carpet.
"...Bruce?" You tried to look at his eyes. His hurt, tired, scared eyes.
"Thank you honey," he hugged you tighter smelling your perfume while you thankfully smiled into his yellow shirt. You had your dork back.


"(Y/N)..." His loud deep dreamy voice was quite and soft as you sobbed into your palm " princess we are not solving your problem."
"My problem!"
"Sorry! Sorry...our problem," you sniffled before wiping away your tears with the sleeve of your (f/c) hoodie "I'm sorry that I have caused you pain and that I missed your beloved holiday I truly am. Could you open the door my love?"
Standing up you hesitated before turning the knob and glancing briefly up at the Norse god. He stepped inside shadowing over you like a tower. He wrapped his bruised and bleeding arms around your petite figure engulfing you completely, you felt safe in his hold and wished he would never let you go.
"Do mean that Thor?"
"Every word and to make it up to you I would like to take you to Asgard."
You perked up "really? I mean I'm not sure that's a-"
"Shh," he put a finger on your soft pink lips "it will great. You shall see the palace and be treated like a queen. You can meet Sif and Heimdall my close friends."
"I'd love that," looking back up you smiled "you are forgiven my king."
You spent the wrest of the night listening to the battle story while you cleaned his cuts mesmerised by the way he told you.


"I'm such an idiot Clint."
"I can't believe I trusted him!"
"I should never of accepted his stupid jacket.
"What do you think I should do?"
"Your right I should forget about him."
"Would you forgive him?"
"No I get it your right."
"Your a good help Clint. Thanks."
"Glad I could help."

The rest of the journey was quite, the only sound was the archers jazz CD playing smoothly in the background. You never knew Clint liked Jazz. He pulled up outside your apartment building door opening your car door before helping you up the steep slippery stone stairs "why are you being such a gentle man Barton?"
He shrugged running his hand threw his messy hair "well you deserve one gentlemen tonight."
It made your heart swoon but you smiled back "amen to that."
He chuckled walking you up the ten flights of stairs up to your modern Brooklyn apartment. You shrieked when you walked around the corner. Pietro stood at the door with a bunch of flowers a sad shaky smile on his face.
"How did you get here so fast?" Then it hit you "stupid question."
"I really need to talk to you babe."
"No Pietro! I don't want to talk and I am certainly not your babe!" Both he and Clint looked stunned "now Clint, would you like a cup of tea," he smiled brightly before walking inside but you were turned around to face the sexy Sakovian.
"I will do anything to make you see that I love you, you and only you."
Your heart physically could not take the pain of you not being with him, in his arms, next to his steady heart rate any more.
"Promise you'll never leave me and that you will always protect me."
You kissed your heart rate sky rocketed in lust and passion.
"So am I gonna have to make my own cup of tea or- maybe I should leave. Night guys."


After running desperately out of your room in hope of finding Bucky you ran threw the streets of NYC which were dimly lit at this late at night. You found him on a small wooden bench that was wet and pretty dirty. You spent hours pleading with each other, telling how much you love each other and why. You walked home hand in hand smiling. You could tell Bucky was still uneasy and unsure but after a full on make out session at home on the couch you got dressed and called Steve and asked if he and his girlfriend would like to come round. You told funny pointless stories all night while eating junk, baking, watching films and dressing up.
"I love you (Y/N). I'm sorry I'm such an ass at times but I need you to know that I will never leave you and I will always love you. Right now you are the only thing that's keeping me alive and I need you. Please don't let get hurt."
"Of course not James. I love you."

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