What you love about him

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How much of a gentle man he was. How he offered to buy you things on dates and walk you home so you'd be safe and occasionally kiss your forehead mean fully. When blushed as the other avengers talked about you to him. Not to mention his muscles as much as tried not to stare.


How he bought you nice things and took you to posh restaurants when you felt down. He took you on long drives down the coast on dates in his classic cars. You loved his wild side and how much he loved to party and the huge party he threw you on your birthday.


You love his cheeky smirk that he gives you and his witty sarcastic comments he always makes. You love how fun and flirty he his not forgetting how jealous he can get which always makes you smile. How you two sit together eating take aways and watch bad movies all night.


How clumsy he can be when he's nervous around you. How bad and cheesy his little jokes are that always make you laugh. You love how smart he his and when he's all excited when he shows you his latest work. He's so gentle around you always trying to be calm and sweet.


You love how protective he is over you and how he always has one arm around you keeping you close to side constantly watching over you. You love it when he took you to Asgard to meet his parents and how charming they where especially his mom who took you shopping with her. His deep voice and muscles that constantly make you swoon.


You love how he rushes around to get you things when you are ill. How he sings Russian songs from his childhood for you although you didn't understand them they always let you drift of to sleep in his arms. You love how cheeky and flirty he his and always making you blush.


You love how he reads to you at night stories that his mother would read to him. You love his magic and how he constantly amazes you with fascinating tricks. You love how he calls you his princess and sometimes calls you his queen. And that he always treats you like one.

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