You fight part-1

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You loved to his war stories about him and Bucky and let's not forget Peggy. He tells you how brave and beautiful she was and how much he loved her. You thought he might stop telling after awhile but he continued to remind you. When you'd do anything your way he would always tell you your doing it wrong and tell you to do it 'how Peggy would do it'. And finally you'd had enough.
"Here let me do it," he laughed taking the rolling pin out of your hand and tried to fix your horrible excuse of pastry. Crossing your arms and pouting while you sulked.
"I was doing fine Rodgers."
He stopped laughing "no no Peggy used to make it this way it-"
"Of course she did!" You didn't mean to snap.
"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He looked at you curiously at your sudden out burst.
"Steve I'm sick and tried of you comparing me to her!"
"But I-"
"Just give it a rest!" You stormed to wards the door slamming it behind you, leaving the super soldier lost for words.


You'd been calling Tony all day and he wasn't picking up and began to worry you so you decide to phone Steve.
'Hello Steve Rogers.'
'Hi Steve it (Y/N) Tony's gir-...friend..I was wonder if you'd heard from him he won't pick up."
'Last I heard he was at a party at his tower but-'
'Thank you-'
You hung up before grabbing your jacket, slamming the door, jumping into your car and speeding off towards the tower. You annoyed a 'few' drivers on the way but you were not in the mood. This was the third time this week you'd had a call from either J.A.R.V.I.S or some random stranger that Tony was passed out in a bar in the middle of the night. And you were sick of it. You loved Tony with every inch of your strength but boy did he tick you of.
You pulled up out side of the tower that glimmered in the rain. You pulled you hood over your messy bun and ran for the cover of the reception area as you were greeted by a smartly dressed woman with curly brown hair who smiled at you "hello can I help?"
"Where's Mr Stark?"
"Um- sorry can I have your name?"
"I'm sorry Mr Stark doesn't have any any appoint-"
"She is a close friend to him ma'am."
"J.A.R.V.I.S! Is he hurt?" Your attention turned to the voice.
"No he's fine."
"He won't be when I get my hands on him," you mumbled under your breathe heading towards the glass elevator.
"10th floor."
You nodded punching in the numbers. The door pinged open reviling Tony, a bottle of whisky in his grip sat at the dimly lit bar only meters away from you. You walked up to him siting on a nearby stool placing your jacket and keys on the marble counter "(Y/N)?" He looked up at you sadly.
"Hey Tony," you said calmly "are you ok?"
"No..." You moved closer running circles on his back "I'm a failure, my whole life is failure, everything I've ever done is failure."
You were quite shocked "are you saying that meeting me was a failure?"
"Of course not I love you."
"Maybe you should put down the drink," you ignored him taking the bottle out of his hand and put it the other side of you.
"But I need it," he whined like a child but you stood and crossed your arms.
"That's your problem Stark! Your an alcoholic!"
"But I-"
"But nothing! I've had enough, I'm going home," ignoring his please you walked toward the elevator grabbing your stuff and headed towards your flat holding back the tears.


You were out on a team mission with the avengers following close behind you including Clint with his precious bow held firmly in his grip as he constantly watched out for you. You calmly walked into the creepy abandoned warehouse, floor boards and rusty ceiling beams creaked as your heart rate began to accelerate constantly turning your head expecting someone to jump out. A gun shot. You turned like lightning to face the noise as a gang of men with a bandanas covering the bottom half of their faces started to run towards you.
"I've got company," you yelled threw your ear piece kicking a man in face sending flying backwards into a few crates snapping the neck of another as you swung over his shoulders.
Cap stopped explaining the plan and stood up "do you need assistance?"
"Do I ever," you smirked shooting a guy right between the eyes "bullseye."
"Yeah?" Clint answered making you laugh.
"Not you dork."
An explosion went of not fair away turning your attention towards it, a group of more masked men came in this time with more guns "Shit!"
Clint perked up "what's wrong?"
"There's more of the littl-" static sent Clint into panic mode.
"Stay where you are I'm coming."
"No! Stay on task! I can handle this," you were starting to debate that.
A few minutes in and you were out of bullets so it was hand to hand but a huge crash sent wood flying like daggers from above followed by Clint summersaulting from the roof and landing by your side firing arrows at the targets.
You didn't argue but continued to fight of the men. You shot the last one turning angrily towards the panting archer "what the hell Barton! You nearly got us killed I told you I could handle it."
"Is that why you were pinned to the floor?" He smirked.
"Next time stay on track."
"Hey! I helped! That's what partners are supposed to do."
"I would have asked if I need help!"
"No you wouldn't your stubborn! You would be dead if I hadn't come and rescued you!"
"I don't need your help Clint I'm not a child!"
"You know what (Y/L/N) your no help to this team! Furry should have just left on the street were he found you!"
You stopped as he rubbed his head. He realised how low that was.
"I'm sorry I-"
"No I'm sorry Barton! If that's how feel, fine, I quit!" You pulled the ear piece out of your ear before smashing it to pieces and turning away.
"(Y/N) wait! Where are you going?"
He ran up to you stopping you with his hand as you turned to face him. You pushed his off "home!"
"We need to complete it."
"I don't wanna do anything with you! I don't wanna even go around the corner with you!"
You stormed out heading for the quin jet.
"Nice one legolas," Tony said threw his ear piece as Clint fell to the floor head on his hands. Sobbing.


You sat with elbows on your desk with you head in your hands your messy hair draping over them as you sighed to yourself.
Just at that moment Tony skipped in with a packet of blueberries shoving his face with them "(Y/N) I need you to-" Tony ran up to you jumping on the chair beside you, you assumed he thought it was a normal chair not a wheely-chair from the way he flew across the room and pulled him self back pretending that never happened "what's wrong?"
"Bruce," you mumbled putting you head down on the desk.
"What's he done now?" He tilted your head to face him as he wiped away your tears with his thumb.
"We had a fight."
He looked at the floor "can I ask what about?" He asked generally sounding like he cared.
"He locked him self in the lab," taking in a deep breath you looked at the messy oil covered man starring at you "he was afraid to hurt me."
You herd him sigh "did he hulk out?" Holding your hand he began to run circles over your palm.
"Why- why doesn't he trust me Tony?"
"It's not you he doesn't trust."

I'm not sure how this one turned out its not one of my bests sorry :(
But I watched captain America the first avenger last night so I'm going to add Bucky to list as well as Natasha and Wanda. I'm not sure how they will turn out but I'll give at a try.

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