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You often call him Captain or Rogers. To annoy him you call him Stevie.
He hates to call you Babe or baby he prefers to be gentle man and call you sweetheart or gorgeous.


You sometimes call him metal man or sexy.
He calls you Babe, sexy or doll face but that just Tony being his usual flirty self. When he's being romantic he'll call you angel face.


You heard Stark call him bird brain once so that stuck for a while but you usually call him Hawk or bullseye if your joking around. But when your not you call him handsome or hotty.
Angle eyes or perfect are ones he loves to call you because he believes he finally hit the target he was aiming for.


He doesn't really do nicknames that much but occasionally he'll call you honey or sweetie.
You know how much he loves it when you call him Dr but you'll sometimes call him cute when he's busy working.


He calls you sweetheart or perfect all the time always making you blush.
When joking around you sometimes call him your prince or my god which he loves more than he'll ever show.


You love to call him speedster around the avengers which caught on pretty well. When you're alone you usually call him something like handsome.
He tends call you Russian names that he heard his mother say to Wanda. Perfection and delicate flower are his favourites.


You love to call him your king when your being flirty but if not you'll call him handsome or sexy.
He will usually call you princess if not is queen. Lovely and dear are the ones he calls you more casually.

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