You fight part-2

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You sat on the sofa wrapped in blankets daydreaming, ignoring the tv that illuminated the room small room (that and the Christmas tree) which you and Thor shared. Yesterday was Christmas and you'd heard nothing not even a call from him, the avengers invited you to join them to open the presents. Thor left for Asgard two exceedingly long months ago and hadn't contacted you since, considering he said he would be back four weeks ago. You attention turned to sound of keys in the lock and the door creaking open. You assumed it was Cap, it had been in every day asking you to come join the Avengers in training or for runs. At the start you agreed to hanging out with them getting to know them all better including Pepper who you really loved to talk to.
In-came a brightly smiling God, hammer in hand. He had a few scratches down his arms and face looking battered and beaten up, but that didn't stop his out going personality. You wanted to run over and hug him making sure he was ok but you held yourself back standing up crossed arms and a unamused look across your tired and stressed face. He proudly marched over to you arms open wide "My darling queen (Y/N)! I've mis-" placing a hand on his chest stopping him from hugging you. His faced dropped into one of confusion "what's wrong my-"
"Thor stop," you tried not to stare at his bulging muscles that had began making you drool "where have you been? I've been worried sick, I haven't eating, I haven't slept."
"You need not worry my darling I'm perfectly safe."
"As much as that's a comfort Thor, it's not that I'm mad about," turning you head to the glistening tree decorated in elegant hand crafted ornaments placed perfectly on the tree. Which you put on with him listening to Christmas music while explaining your favourite holiday.
He turned back "I am truly sorry I missed the day of giving presents. But you must understand my love I-"
"No I understand completely. What I don't think you understand is that I thought you left me. I thought you weren't every coming back. Do know that pain you caused me!"
"I must explain-"
"I don't care, I don't care anymore."
"Please let me explain," rubbing your arm you pushed him away tears now streaming down.
"Get out Thor! I'm not in the mood. Just get out!" You pushed him out the door slamming in behind you sobbing into your palms.


One of the reasons you feel in love with speedster was because he was such a flirt but now that's the main reason your in a mood. I mean you had every right to be come on! He invited you out to a bar for a few drinks before heading out to a new move premier, one that you'd been dying to watch for weeks. You were thrilled when he said he got the tickets but less thrilled when you turned up to the bar. You got completely dolled up hair, make up, nice shoes and a brand new dress.
Tony dropped you off, you made your way to find your hunk of a date. You tried to calm your self down as you made your way threw the crowd of sweaty drunken teens. You probably looked a bit crazy smiling to yourself but you really couldn't care, you thought finally tonight would be the night he asked you to be his girlfriend. Why wouldn't you be smiling.
As pushed past through the last people when you spotted Pietro. His hair was combed back perfectly, not to mention the suit. Just as you walked over with your campaign glass in hand ready to greet the most drop dead gorgeous man you've ever know your heart dropped as did you face. Sat opposite him, a tall long blonde haired woman was touching his arm giggling while he smirked. Although you filled with anger and hatred your eyes became glassy. Regaining your mess of a composure you folded your arms clearing your throat, grabbing both the attention of the avenger and the slut.
"(Y/N)? I-I was-"
"Save it Maximoff I don't wanna hear your excuse," you stated calmly although you were a mess on the inside, placing your drink on the marble counter top you smiled at him walking away.
Once out side you took a deep breath listening to the faded out music of the bar, getting your phone out and looking down threw the contact list.
A gush of wind passed you with a familiar face staring pleadingly at you. Taking no notice you tapped a contact.
"I wasn't- I really- It wasn't what you thought."
"Listen, save it for her. I couldn't careless."
"Leave it! I'm going home."
"How you don't have a car?"
"No, I have a friend," after hanging up he began telling you how he loved you, it was nothing, your his world, all those pathetic excuses, none that you hadn't heard before. You ignored him waiting for your ride. Just at that point a black corvette pulled up, a muscular dirty blonde haired man walked around the back of the car, in a pair of jogging bottoms, a hoodie and his tinted sun glasses.
"Clint?" Pietro whispered as he walked up to you.
"Hey whats up Kid?" He smirked as you rolled your eyes.
"I want to go home," Clint looked between your and Pietro and got what you were hinting at.
He wrapped a tight arm around you waist smirking a Pietro, sarcasm evident in his tone "you didn't see that coming."
He opened the door for you glaring at the speechless man as he got in him side. His bow and arrows were slung on the back seat. "Why'd you bring them."
"In case I needed them."
"I would hold your breath," revving the engine he speed away.

I couldn't think of one for Loki, he's just that damm perfect so I if you have any suggestions I need them !!
Next will be Bucky's catch up.

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