You make up part 1

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You felt guilt and anger as you walked out of the glass double doors of your shared apartment building. Stepping out, rain hit your head as you groaned. The night time Brooklyn streets were illuminated by the redy/orange street lamps. There were a few random people with umbrellas but other than that it was pretty desolate. Putting your coat over your head you began heading for Sam's house, you didn't know him that well but the times you had talked to him, you seemed to get along pretty well.
Guilt washed over you as you thought about him, you didn't mean to hurt him you really didn't but it had just gotten to you. What annoyed you the must was that fact that you knew that you would never be like her, the way he talked about her, she sounded so brave and so bad ass and you well you were just, you.
You tried avoiding the puddles but the streets were almost flooding, seeping threw your boots and jacket, you knew you were gonna get a cold.
All of a sudden you felt a pair of firm hands on your shoulders twisting you, looking round you saw Steve. Rain dripping of his soaking wet hair and face, you could see right threw his white V-neck t-shirt which was truly an amazing site so you tried not to stare.
"What do you want Steve?" You took off the drenched coat on your head and looking at the super soldier, his eyes were red, clearly he had been crying.
"Listen please (Y/N) just here me out, I'm sorry, you are right, your always right. I just can't get over-"
"No you were right," he looked confused, like a lost puppy, a very handsome wet muscular puppy "I'll never be like her-"
He shut you up by slamming his lips onto yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he did the same around your waist.
Taking a breath of air he smiled "good, your perfect the way you are. It was so hard trying to forget my past but when I met you, it made me realise that I could have a normal future."
"Well a normal life as far as being Captain America can be," he chuckled looking into your eyes as you blushed.
"Do you wanna go home?" He smiled "I think I left the oven on."
Laughing you put a hand around his waist as he put his arm gently on your shoulder "if our house isn't on fire already."


"Miss (Y/N), Mr Stark means well."
The voice spoke threw the speaker as you gripped the steering wheel dogging threw the endless array of traffic. You didn't reply, it just raced threw your mind 'he means well'. You know he did, every inch of you did. But my god did he frustrate you. His drinking came with the package, the messy flirty muscular package.
"Is he ok though?" You nearly choked out the words, the thought of him doing anything rash right now was the last thing you needed.
"He's sobbing but he's physically fine."
Muttering, putting on your indicator "for now."
Travelling back to your apartment suddenly you car came to an immediate halt the back end coming up, you screamed for your life. Looking up you saw a gold and red metal arm "Tony?"
J.A.R.V.I.S opened the door and you took a shaky step out turning around quickly as the car crashed down to back to the floor. Tony stood up walking proudly up to you pulling you into a hug, right in the middle of the fuming traffic. You pushed him away, he didn't budge.
"Tony Stark what are doing?!" His mask came up. His perfect face with his deep brown eyes momentarily distracting your thought.
"Listen, gorgeous I need to apologise," he suit clicked off into a case "no words can describe how much I love you, and I can't imagine how much stress I've put you in the last few months, but baby I'm learning."
"I know you are," you pulled him in for a hug, smelling his aftershave, the scent mesmerising and calming. His embrace reminding you why you fell in love with him.
"J.A.R.V.I.S clear up this mess and send for a jet."
"Consider it done Sir."
"A jet Tony?"
"We are going to Paris for two weeks, we need a break."
"Amen to that sexy."


He sat in the middle of the abandoned building a complete mess. Sobbing, crying, heartbroken. He stood up clutching his messy blonde hair. He gripped his bow throwing it in anger a load clang as the metal hit the floor.
Natasha smirked in the shadow of the arch splintered wooden door frame "wow anger management Barton," she chuckled but saw the pain he was in "you ok?"
"I'm such an idiot, I should have gone after her, I never meant what I said I didn't mean it."
"I know you didn't Clint," she crouched down next to him "Let me ask you a question, would you take a bullet for her."
"No, I'd make sure I would never to take one for her, keep her out of danger."
"Then go after her! Don't just sit here on your sorry ass, by now they would be tracking the quin jet. No doubt she'll be riding into heavy fire."

"J.A.R.V.I.S set a course for home."
"Absolutely miss (Y/N)"
You swivelled round in the chair taking in a deep breath before walking over too the bench and sitting down. Something digged into you shoulder, pulling out a piece of paper you felt tears well up in your eyes. It was a picture of you and Clint in the park when he asked you out."
Just as you took your hair out of your messy pony tail there was a load bang on the roof shaking the jet. Suddenly the bay door went down and you grabbed your gun. Clint came stumbling threw the door.
"Clint?" You asked/yelled as you walked over helping him up, his face was bleeding and he had cuts down his arm "how did you get up here?"
"...Stark," he mumbled scared to look into your hurt and angry eyes.
"I don't want an apology Hawk I'm not in the mood."
"I know- I know but please," he begged holding your hand, you looked at the floor "I need you to know that I never meant that, I really really didn't. I need you more than you know. I'm a mess I really am. Without you I'm worse. Without you everything is so pointless. Only if I could prove it to you."
You smiled up at at him before tripping him up with your foot and flipping him onto his back smirking "maybe you can."
"I'll take you up on that offer gorgeous," he flipped you over passionately kissing you neck.
"Step on it J.A.R.V.I.S."

The avengers preferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin