Chapter 1

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Chapter1: Oh My God! Live In Japan?! Heck Yeah! Let’s Go! On the Plane…. Okay, Jet.

*Haley’s Pov*

“So darn bored, how can I even be awake right now?” I asked myself as I fell off the couch leaving my legs on the stiff seat. Blinking down more boredom, I stood up and stretched. Walking lazily to the hallway, I grabbed the dog’s leash and called for her. “Come On, Pebbles! Walkie walk!” After waiting a few moments, the dog came stumbling tiredly to me. Sometimes I wondered how much longer she was going to live, seeming she was older than me. “Come ‘ere girl, let’s go to the park.” I said softly as I hooked the leash to her collar. She barked and wagged her tail happily as I opened the door and lead her down the stairs of our apartment. Walking slowly as we got to the corner of the block, I looked both ways before stopping abruptly as my eyes caught a familiar looking jeep driving my way. Stopping in front of me and the dog I opened the door and smiled widely at my dad.

“Hey, Punkin. How was your day?” he asked as he shuffled through the mail in his hands. I frowned.

“Well seeming you’re home late; I won’t be able to go to the library now.” I said as he held out a letter to me. “What’s this?” I asked as I stared blankly at the envelope. He smiled at me and pointed at the return address.

“What does that say?” he asked as my eyes went the size of dinner plates.

“District of Karakura, Japan?! What’s this for any way?” I asked looking back up at him, hopefully.

“I still have to discuss it with Mary, but it means that we might, just might, move to Japan and live in Karakura Town. Both Mary and I are going to be given ‘good-paying’ jobs, the house will be completely paid for, minus the bills, and you’ll be going to Karakura High School. Of course you’ll have to say goodbye to your friends and everything if we do go, but we’ll also be given free ‘Flight Plans’ from Japan to America.” He said in three breaths. I stared at him shocked.

“Who are you and what have you done with my dad?” he blinked in surprise. “My dad wouldn’t want to move to Japan for any reason. Not even if he was given an offer as nice as this, not even if he knew how to speak Japanese! Dad, You Don’t Speak Japanese!!!!!!!” I said, giving each word extra volume so he got the picture. That’s when he smiled.

“Take Pebbs’ home and read that. You’ll be surprised to know that Karakura Town actually speaks both English and Japanese. But if we do see a need to learn Japanese, we’ll be given a teacher, free of charge.” I blinked once, twice, three times before breaking into tears of joy. Jumping into my dad’s truck, I flung my arms around his neck and laughed.

“THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!!! THE BIRTHPLACE OF ALL THINGS MANGA AND ANIME!!! DAD THIS IS WHERE YOU START THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU JUST DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE!” I yelled happily as I took Pebbles and started to shut the truck door. But before it shut, I heard my dad mumble something along the lines of ‘it’s too late for that.’ Laughing softly I started walking back to the apartment, the dog by my side and the letter in my hand. “I hope Mary says ‘Yes’!” I said to myself as I thought of all the new things to do, see, and eat. I honestly didn’t think anything about the people I’d be leaving behind, because if you really thought about it, there wasn’t anyone here to stay for. Except my mom and siblings, but since they lived in a different state, I didn’t care.

*Devan’s Pov*

“What?! Move to Japan?! Alright! This is going to be great! I’m going to tell Josie and Haley!” but before I could    even touch the phone, my dad stopped me.

“You can only tell one person. Besides your mother of course.” He said sternly. I stared in disbelief.

“Alright, I’ll call Josie.” I said in understanding. If I told Haley, she would burst into fits of laughter only to try and hide the tears. Picking up the phone I dialed Josie’s number and took a deep breath, waiting for the impact of leaving her behind.

Don't Die A Second Time (Bleach Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz