Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Meeting Renji and Wanting to Kick His Ass

----- 2 Days Later (Friday)-----

*Heirii’s POV*

“What?! You’re leaving? But, Jushiro-Kun, I don’t want you to go!” I yelled sadly, causing me to cough slightly.

“I know, and I’m sorry. But I was only given a few days off of work and now it’s time for me to go back.” He explained while I pouted, staying in my bed. I had been able to leave the clinic for a little while yesterday to see my parents off. They were going to their job interviews, BORING~~~! But as soon as I came back I had gone straight back to quarantine because my coughing had started up as we walked back through the door. (UGH!)

“When will you be back?” I asked tilting my head off to the side. Jushiro chuckled.

“I’m not sure, Ai (Love). I’m not sure. Soon, I hope.” He replied, calling me by the little nickname he had given me. I blushed lightly. Something I noticed that I’d been doing a lot around him.

“Promise me you’ll visit as soon as you can!” I shouted again, with a lack of something better to do. He seemed surprised by my sudden request. If not that, then it was the large amount of energy I had. After a moment he smiled softly and leaned forward, placing his forehead against mine, making my face start to rival a tomato.

“I promise.” He said as he pulled away and replaced his head with a gentle kiss. My eyes widened. Pulling away again at the sound of Shunsui’s voice, he smiled gently and patted my head before the door to my room opened.

“Oi! Jushiro, it’s time for us to go.” Shunsui said as he walked over and patted my head as well, ruffling my hair in the process. I growled at him.

“Alright, I’m ready.” Jushiro said as he smiled at me once more. But this time, his eyes spoke differently.

“’Kay kiddo, see ya around.” Shunsui called lightly as he dragged Jushiro away.

“Bye! I’ll miss you!” I yelled as they left the room.

“Bye, Heirii!” Jushiro yelled back as his friend tugged him out and shut the door.

“Bye….” I mumbled sadly to myself, glancing out the window of my room to see them take off through the portal back to their world. I sighed and pouted some more before a sudden knock at the door made me jump. “Come in.” I said. The door opened slowly to reveal Ichigo and a few others.

“Yo, Heirii. How are you feeling?” he asked as he sat himself on the bed next to me.


“Fine. I already miss Jushiro, though.” I told him before giving a small cough. He smirked.

“Or you just miss him calling you, Ai.” He teased. My eyes widened greatly and my face turned red. I glared at him for a moment before shoving him off the bed, making him land on his butt on the ground.

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