Chapter 2

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Chapter2: Manors. What Are You Doing Here? Heirii’s Attack.

----At The New House----

*Devan’s POV*

“Wow, this place is awesome!” I said as I dropped my bags just as we entered the giant mansion-like house. We had gotten off the jet about two hours ago, and it was Sunday morning. We were in the air for almost a day, and I strangely had no jet-lag. Anyway, here we are at our new home, and it is HUGE. Running up the left staircase I jogged through the hallway and found that there were seven rooms. Three on each side, and one in the middle.

“De-Chama, would you like to pick out your room? And in a few more hours the other family from Wisconsin will be moving in next door. I heard that they have a child about your age.” Kojiro said as Rin went on and on about beautiful youth.

“Oh, okay. I want the last room in the west wing. And the room across from that can be the Art Room!” I said as I lead him to my room to put the things he was carrying down.

“Hai, hai. Your father said something about his room being the last in the east wing, and the Computer and Office Room being next to his. This leaves three empty rooms to your disposal. Rin and I have our rooms down stairs. There is also a kitchen, dining room, living and entertainment room, study room, and this place also has a good sized library. All kinds of books in there, as well as some manga. I would know, I was the one who set it up.” Kojiro said sheepishly. I smiled at him.

“Thanks, Koji-Kun.” I said as I shut the door to my room, leaving him outside standing stiff and red faced. “Now, let start unpacking. After that, I’ll have Rin fix up some lunch and I’ll go around town and meet some people who might be friendly and hopefully the other family from America is a nice family. It would be great, if not helpful that I know them.” I said as I started opening my suitcases and the boxes of special belongings. Pulling out a smaller box from one of the popcorn filled ones, I opened it carefully and smiled at the little Dragon figurines. “Hey guys, guess what? We’re home.”


----In The Car// At The New House----

*Heirii’s Pov*

“What a long trip, I’m so tired I’m hungry.” I said half joking, half serious. My dad grunted tiredly. There was only one explanation, jet-lag. My dad, Tei Meiriyu (Dad also changed his name) had jet-lag and boy was it bad. Mary was just sitting at the window staring out at the town around her, making a small noise of wonder every now and then. It was about eight in the morning and we had been driving in the car for about an hour and forty-nine minutes.

“Don’t worry, Tei-Sama. We’ll be arriving at the mansion in about ten minutes. Oh, and Ha-Chan?” Sokenji asked.

“Ano, hai? Nani, So-kun?” (Um,Yes? What, So-Kun?) I responded dizzily.

“There are seven rooms upstairs, you may choose whatever one you want. Same goes for you Mari-Chama, Tei-Sama. The other five is for what you want. Masiko and I have our rooms downstairs on the main level. The mansion has all of the other standard rooms such as, kitchen, dining, living and entertainment, study, as well as a library. Masiko and I put some books in there that you might like. Most are in English, but there is a small section of Japanese texts. As for you Ha-Chan, there is a room in the back for manga and I also took the liberty of having them in English. Masiko, didn’t you put something in there as well?” Sokenji asked as he turned the corner near an office house. I quickly read the sign, Karakura Clinic. Cool, knowing me, I’ll probably walk in there one day and see for volunteer work.

“Huh, oh yes! Heirii-Sama, I put in a bunch of anime DVDs’ and such in English. I think you might like it.” Masiko said. The words anime and DVDs’ together made me jump for joy.

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