Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: What Is This Tyranny?


-----Friday Morning-----

*Heirii's POV*

I woke up from the weirdest dream I've ever had.

Fugly hat guy had a giant hole in his basement that made me hallucinate some creepy mirror copy of myself. My mom was apparently a hollow, a Soul Reapers biggest enemy, and I nearly turned into a hollow myself.

"That was the stupidest dream in the history of stupid dreams... Fuck me if my mother actually understood what I've been saying this entire time..." I yawned as I sat up in bed and looked around.

'Aw man! I had another attack again and I missed a day of life!' I sat there pouting for a good hour before I decided to do something entertaining while in confinement.


*Ichigo's POV*

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" Heirii yelled angrily room her guest room.

"Heh. Should we go see her?" I asked the gang. They all nodded and followed me to the room where Heirii was found sitting on her bed, punching the pillow hard enough to make the feathers pop out and fall around the bed.

We all sweatdropped.

"What are you all staring at?" She hissed, punching the pillow a final time before glancing over at us.

"You killing an innocent pillow..." Uryu replied.

"It pissed me off." She bit back. We all watched her some more, out of worry.

'She's never gotten angry at Uryu before.' I thought.

"I need to do something... Am I free to go?" She asked. My friends all turned to me.

"Dad said you were free to leave when you woke up." I replied.

"Good. Don't come looking for me." And with that, she slid out of bed, grabbed her shoes by the door, and quickly left the clinic.

"Ichigo... What's wrong with Heirii-San...? She's never gotten angry at Uryu-San before." Orihime said, fiddling with her hair.

"I don't think we should bother with it. She's probably just nervous about tomorrow..." Uryu muttered, leaving.

'What the Hell was that? Heirii... Tell us what's wrong...'

-----Some Time Later-----

*Kisuke's POV*

I had been keeping a watch over Heirii's spiritual pressure, but as soon as she was out of Ichigo's presence, it seemed as if she had dropped off the radar.

It was almost as if she had never existed...


*Heirii's POV*

"I just need to calm down... There's no way that dream could've meant anything..." I said to myself. Sneaking into the attic of my mansion through the tile in my room, I slumped against the wall as I looked around at all of the things we kept up there.

In a corner, there was a leather brown couch that could be pulled out into a bed and a small table next to it. Against the wall on the opposite side of the room, there were small stacks of boxes containing memories of the past. And finally, behind me, in a corner that was virtually hidden from when you came up the stairs until you turned and walked to the left a about four feet was my giant beanbag and sketchbook collection.

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