Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Anguish Stricken Heart

 Warning: Loads of swearing.... Please forgive me, but it adds to character build-up...

-----Some Time Later-----

*Hannah's POV*

"Guys! The fireworks are going to start soon!" Devan cheered, clutching onto Renji's arm. I smiled at her and jumped around happily. Her boyfriend *cough, it's so going to happen, cough* looked at us as if we were crazy. What can I say? I'm more like my sister than I look. I took up the girliness in the sisterhood.

"Is everyone gathered?" Haley's friend, Ichigo asked curiously, standing on his toes to look around.

"All except Jushiro and Hei-Chan." Another one of my sister's friends said airily. I remember him well because he had a pink kimono...

"They're probably making out some-" Renji was cut off by my sister, who miraculously came from nowhere.

"I'm so sorry Renji... I couldn't hear you. Mind saying that now seeming we're face to face?" She threatened, holding the front of his kimono menacingly. The white haired man beside her, whom I assumed was Jushiro, laughed calmly and pulled her away from the dumbass red-hair.

"Leave it, Ai-Chan. I'm sure he was joking." Jushiro smiled. I tilted my head, watching the exchange. You could practically see the little bubbly hearts flying around them...

"It's already so dark... I wonder when-" I was cut off by a loud clash from above.

"""BOOOOOOOM!""" I gave a little yelp of shock and jumped, clutching onto the closest thing to me. My sister.

"Chicken~!" She sang, smiling widely as the fireworks continued to pop loudly overhead. I hit her softly and leaned back on her as we stared up at the blues, greens, reds, and other many colors that lit up the night sky.

"This is a great thing, right, Sis?" I asked. She looked down at me curiously and smirked.

"I guess so. I don't really know... I suppose it's a great thing. It's actually kinda of beautiful, ne?" I nodded in reply as we all watched the last of the fireworks together, 'ooohh'ing and 'aahh'ing at the shapes the explosions had made, and once it was over, we all huddled together to say our goodbyes and find out where we were all going to go next. I think I ruined it for my sister when I yawned...

"Oh oh. Looks like someone's a little tired~!" Shunsui-San sang, rubbing my head. Haley pouted slightly, but smirked at the others anyhow.

"I'm a bit tired as well. It was an entertaining day. For all of us." She added the last part while glaring at Renji and Shunsui, who looked as if they were ready to make a sexual comment...

"Well, I'm having a sleepover for the girls at my house! Maybe we can meet up there!" One of my sister's friends, a busty orangey haired girl chipped in cheerfully. The other busty woman, Rangiku if I remember correctly, smiled happily as she glomped Orihime from behind.

"Sleepover~! Ladies, there's no getting out of this!" She shouted. Haley and I winced slightly, neither of us really ever having liked loud, high pitched noises.

"I think we'll actually have to pass on this one, Rangiku-San. I'm *clears throat* Uhh... What's a good excuse to get out of hanging out with other girls our age, Hannah...? I've never really been asked to hang out with any other girl besides Devan..." Haley whispered in my ear. I took the liberty of elbowing her in the stomach.

"Oh, no! Haley, I should take you home if you're coughing like that!" I exclaimed loudly as she glared at me, coughing harshly.

"You little shit..." She growled out, her coughing lighting up some. I slung her arm over my shoulder and smiled at the others as she continued to glare at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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