Chapter 17

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Louis POV:

I stand in front of the man that I have despised for as long as I've lived. He looks around the apartment and his eyes land in Harry.

"What is that?" He spits out in disgust.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I asked you a question boy, now I expect an answer. What. Is. That." He says firmly.

"Whatever he wants to be" I say.

"That's not an answer" he says while stepping towards me.

"Yes it is" I say. I can't help the sarcastic tone that comes out as I say it.

"Don't get lippy with me boy" he says.

He walks towards me and is right in front of my face and I can smell his horrid breath.

"Answer me" he says.

"He's Harry" I say.

He raises his fist and swings it at me but I never fell the sting of the hit. Instead I am pushed down to the ground and hear the fist hit something else.

I look up to see Harry standing in front of my father with his head to the side and a red fist mark on his jaw. Harry stands up taller and has a few inches on my dad but he doesn't backdown. My father goes to swing again but before he can collide his fist to Harry's face again, Harry catches his fist in one hand. He twists his wrist and pushes him backwards and he falls to the ground. My father is quick to jump back up and gets ready to swing again. He lunges at Harry and he simply steps aside to avoid this body. Harry doesn't make a move to hit him and only seem to play a game of chase while doing simple movements to avoid any contact with the man. My father get furious and backs to the kitchen and grabs one of our knives and runs towards Harry. He swings but Harry easily dodges it. He starts to fall forward and Harry is quick to catch him a mere centimeters aways from a knife going into his eyes. Harry pulls him up and backs away. My father then runs to me and holds the knife up to my throat.

"What are you gunna do now freak" he yells. Harry only smirks and seems to dare him to try anything. My father presses the knife harder into my flesh and I'm starting to freak out.

Harry moves in a blink of an eyes and he has the knife flying across the room only to skid under the couch. Harry moves my fathers hands off of me and pulls me behind him.

"You fucking punk" my father spits. I smirk at him from behind Harry and he makes to move towards me but a low growl stops him. I look up to see Harry's pupils as thin slits and his claws are out along with his fangs. He walks toward my father and grabs him by the collar with one fist. He lifts him off the ground and opens the front door. He throws him out onto the ground and slams the door before locking it. I hear footsteps running the opposite way of us and I smile. Harry turns around and runs over to me while wrapping his arms around me and hopping up to wrap his legs around me also.

"Harry that was amazing" I whisper into his ear. He only snuggles closer and starts to purr.

"T-that bad man tried to hurt l-Louis" Harry whimpers into my neck.

"Don't worry he won't be back, you scared him off. What a good boy you are keeping me safe" the simple praise rolls off my tongue and I feel Harry shutter at the name.

"I-I'm your good boy?" He asks with uncertainty.

"Always my good boy" I say while kissing his forehead.


After our rude encounter with my father, I tell Harry that he has to take a bath. Let's just say that wasn't too pleased with that. Anyways after he is all dried off I give him some clothes to put on. 

"Harry are you done yet" I whine from outside the bathroom door. I hear a low growl and something fall. I open the door and see Harry with his pants twisted around his legs and a shirt wrapped around his arms. I stifle a giggle and go help him get the garments off of him. Once I peel them from his body my whole body freezes. Harry is sitting there with his long legs in front of him with his hands spread out on the floor while his tail swishes back and forth behind him. He smiles up and me and I help him stand to my level.

"Sorry" Harry mutters.

"Don't be" I say to him.

After I get him dressed I tuck his tail into his pants and put a beanie on his head to cover his ears. "How about we go out to the park today for a bit?" I suggest while I tuck my wallet and phone into my pocket. "I've never been to the park" Harry says with curiosity. I laugh and grab his hand, "well let's get going then shall we?" I say while pulling him out the door.


We walked to the park and Harry was just a little sensitive to the busy streets with all the cars but, he seemed to be okay with it. Once we reached the park Harry stops and looks around and I see that his pupils are huge. "What are you doing Harry?" Before I can even ask him again he's running off on all fours into a field of fresh fluffy snow. He dives into it and flings it everywhere. I bend down and make a snowball and I throw it and his eyes shoot up and it hits him right in the face. He falls backwards and then looks at me and growls. I start to run but Harry is too fast he tackles me and I'm giggling like crazy. He grabs some snow and smushes' it into my face. I sit up and Harry tumbles off my lap and into the snow. I spit out the snow from my mouth and I look at Harry as he rolls around in it. I can't help but smile and think about how lucky I am. "Alright Harry, how about we head home in to the warmth and drink some hot milk?" I tempt him because my arse is starting to freeze. He nods and scurries over to me. I adjust his beanie and we head back home.


Let's just say hot milk to cats is like 6 shots of strait 5 o'clock for a person. Harry is stumbling around and starts to get all touchy and fuzzy feeling. I make him lay down on the couch with me and we watch the Christmas Story that plays every year on Christmas. "Harry?" I say while petting his curls. "Yes Master?" He responds without taking his eyes off the tv. "I never gave you your Christmas present" I express. He looks at me with a confused face and his head tilts to the side a little and I can't help but coo. "Here, up so I can get you your present" I say while patting his bum. He sits up and goes to follow me. "No you stay here it's a surprise" I say while I run up the stairs. I walk into the bedroom and go into the closet and pull out the present. I then walk back downstairs and Harry is where I left him. I sit across from him and I hand him the box. He gets a little caught up in the ribbon when he starts too unwrap it so I had to take it away with a smile. Once he opens the box his pupils grow huge and down in that simple box was the greatest gift I could give to him...

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Authors Note:
Plz don't kill me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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