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Harry's POV:

"I said I didn't want him!" His father spits.

"Well then you can get rid of him!" His mum yells.

Harry is locked in the basement of his house while his parents are arguing once again. He hears his father storm down the steps and he roughly grabs Harry by the arm and slaps him in the face.

"You only caused this family trouble" he spits.

"D-d-dadd" he starts before he is slapped again.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TALKING!" His father yells. He gets down on one knee and grabs the belt of it hoop next to the table filled with different arrangements of punishments.

"Bent over my knee" his father demands.

Harry slowly walks over with tears filling his eyes and he places himself on his fathers knee.

His father tugs down his pants an raises the belt before whipping it down. Harry let's put screams of pain with each smack. His father is yelling at him to take it like a man before switching to the metal belt loop of it and whipping him harder until his cheeks are bleeding and cut.

"Pull up your pants boy and take off you shirt" he says while walking over to the other items that lay on the table.

Harry whimpers while pulling up his boxers and jeans before pulling off his shirt and grabbing the rope hanging from the ceiling and getting on his knees.

"What a good boy" his father says before he lashes a whip to Harry's back splitting it open in many different places.

Once he is done he wrings out the blood from the whip and grabs Harry and throws him in the trunk of the car before driving off.

Harry quietly sobs while trying not to lay on his back with each turn of the car.


"How much do you want for the boy" a man in a white doctors robe asks his father.

"Take it" he says while shoving Harry forward.

"My pleasure" the doctor smirks.

His father leaves and he is put under unconsciousness by a needle going into his arm.


"Faster Harry" Dr. Dazzer yells while turning the dial of his remote to shock Harry even more. He has been here for  10 years. Tortured, tested, and abused.

When he first came her the doctor wasn't nice on his testings and made him mix DNA until he found a match. So now Harry is part kitten, puma, and human. Or also known as a hybrid. And might I add the only hybrid.

Harry's POV:

"Now I want you to come here Harry" Dr. Dazzer says while holding out a leash. I walk over and the leash is clipped to his electric shock collar and I am roughly tugged into another room.

"Sit pet" Dazzer spits. I obey and sit on the floor.

"Now remover your shirt" he says while tying the leash to a pole. I removes my shirt and wait for my next punishment.

"Good now this may hurt, a lot" he laughs before I feel the familiar burning of a whip slashing against my back. I don't dare cry out in pain I just take it like always. I can't stand it anymore.

I have been through this for ten years. They made me a monster. I have sharp fangs and claws when I want them out or when I'm angered or scared. I have two big brown velvety cat ears on my head along with a fuzzy brown tail. Not to mention I have cat like scenes so my night vision is amazing, loud noises hurt my ears, can smell better, and I am deathly afraid of water.

I haven't even noticed Dazzer stopped whipping me until he shocked me with the collar an turned the dial up. I hiss and try to get the thing off me but it is no use.

"Now be a good kitten and come here" he calls for me.

I crawl over to him and he grabs a fist full of my curls and slams my head against the table until I black out.

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