Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

I wake up and it feels like there are knives stabbed into my body and I'm on fire.

"Fuck" I hiss out when I try to sit up but fail because of my shoulder.

"Harry!" I hear Louis say excitedly. "God Harry, you have been sleeping for four days. I though you were never going to wake up" he sighs.

"Harry wishes he never woke up" I mumble.

"What" he asks

"Nothing" I say while pushing myself up and flipping onto my back. I land on the bed and it burns and I cry out in pain.

"Harry stop moving you are going to open up your cuts again" Louis says. I look at my chest and see it is wrapped and I twitch my ears and I feel my left ear is wrapped along with my back and hand.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"No" I say while closing my eyes.

"I'm gunna go get you some more pain medication" he says while walking to the bathroom and returning with two pills and a glass of water. I take the two pills and drink the whole glass of water.

"I'm taking you to the hospital" he states.

"Harry doesn't need to go to-" I am cut off by a glare from him an I close my mouth and nod.

"I'm gunna help you stand up okay?" He says. I nod my head and I grab his hand with my good arm and he helps me up.

My legs are perfectly fine, but it is my back that is giving me troubles. he helps me into the car and we drive to the hospital and I am rushed into the emergency room.


Louis POV:

"He lost a lot of blood an we couldn't give him any because he is... different" the doctor tells me. "He will be fine. You can visit him now but he is a little loopy from the drugs" he says while leading me to his room.

I thank him an walk in to see Harry playing with the string on his hospital gown.

"How are you feeling Kitten" I say while walking over.

"Hey Harry has to tell you something but you can't tell Louis okay?" He says while waving me closer. " Don't tell him but Harry think he's nice. He makes Harry feel funny when he cuddle up to him. But Harry knows he makes him mad when he h-he do something wrong. Harry knows that master doesn't want him and that he is a burden. That is why Harry left because he hissed at master" he says.

I feel my heart break when I look into his eyes and I see sadness, fear and worry. Shortly after he starts to giggle and I look at him confused.

He reaches out and plays with the strings of my sweatshirt. "oh but you can tell Louis that Harry is sorry and loves him very much" he says.

"You love him" I choke out.

"Very much" he giggles. I am about to reply but the doctor come is.

"In sorry but visiting time is over. Harry needs to get lots of rest before he can go home" he says.

"But Harry likes having him here" he whines.

"Fine. He can stay. Will you be alright with sleeping on the couch" he says to me.

"Yes that is fine. Thank you" I say before he leaves.

"Will you cuddle with Harry?" He asks.

"Sure thing curly" I say.

"Louis?" He asks.

"Yes Harry" I answer.

"When did you get here!" He giggles.

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