Chapter 11

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Louis' POV:

I wake up to something tickling my nose. I open my eyes to see one of Harry's cat ears tickling my nose. I smile as I look down at the sleeping kitten and I start to stroke his curls.

I feel my phone vibrate and I answer the call.


Hello Louis, I need you to bring Harry in for a day or two. He needs his vaccinations and his training improved.

Um... Okay I guess. But will this be better for him?

Oh yes defiantly.

I hang up the phone and shake Harry awake. He whines a built but opens his eyes.

"Kitten that was Dr. Drazzer. He said I have to bring you in for a day or two. I don't want to but you have to if you want to stay." I tell him. His eyes start to get glossy and well up with tears.

"Don't cry kitten, I promise I will be there right when they tell me to" I say.

"O-okay" he whispers out. "Harry needs to find his collar" he says.

I slowly nod before standing and walking over to the counter and grabbing the shock collar. I walk back over and he sits up for me to put it on him. He cries out in pain when I buckle it and it digs into the wound on his neck.

"I'm sorry kitten" I say.

He bursts out in tears and clutches my shirt while crying into my neck. "Harry doesn't want to g-go back" he sobs.

"I know kitten, I know" I say.


I drive away from the hybrid building and I can't help but look back at Harry who I being dragged by his leash into the building. I don't think I can last this long knowing what they do to him.

Harry's POV:

"Now Harry, on the table" Dr. Drazzer commands while tugging me over to a metal table that has cuffs to hook your ankles and wrists to it.

I hop up onto the table and he locks them into place. He goes over to the table and pulls out many needles.

He shoves one in my vein in my neck and takes out a lot of blood. I feel light headed for a bit until I shake it off. He puts a vaccination in both my arms and legs, neck, and bum. He then takes out a switchblade and grabs my tail. He starts to slice the skin and I scream out because of the pain. He soon pulls it off and hands it in front of me.

"Open up" he smiles.

I open my mouth and he gags me with my own tail. He presses a button and I am shocked and I feel something funny in my bum. I look back to see an even longer, fuzzier tail has grow back in seconds. The pain is gone and I sigh in relief. He takes the tail out of my mouth and throws it down to the incinerator.

After more tests I am thrown back into a tiny cage and I can't move at all. I quietly sob and wish I was back with Louis.


I wake up to a man pulling me out of my cage an carrying me to another test lab. I close my eyes and I'm hooked up to the wall by two handcuffs on chains which are attached to the wall. Three men come in and start to beat me. They repeatedly kick my ribs, yank my tail, and punch me everywhere. After they are done I'm laying in a puddle of my own blood. Dr. Drazzer comes in and lifts my chin.

"We are going to have some fun today" he smirks.

He presses a button and a shower head comes down. He grabs it and points it at me. He turns it on a freezing cold water soaks me. I hiss and scream and try to get the water off me. He does this for about ten minutes before he turns it off and I'm soaked to the bone and shivering like crazy.

He unlatches me and pulls me back to my cage. He walks over to a dial thingy and the room drops about 20 degrease. I start to shiver even more and I am left in my freezing cage until I am blacked out.


Harry lays unconscious for about two hours in the cold, soaked from head to toe in freezing water. Some men come in and take his to a room. He is strapped to a chair that you stand in. They insert many needles into his arms and then they wait. Harry eventually opens his eyes and squints in the light. He twitches his nose which feels, different.

Harry's POV:

I wake up strapped to a table thingy and I twitch my nose and the mirror in front of me makes me gasp. I have whiskers coming out of my cheeks. They go out farther than my ears. I also have a kitten paws and my legs are as long as my arms. I can't stand on my legs properly and it is bugging me.

"It worked!" Dr. Drazzer yells. "Harry, you now have hips of a cat along with paws, and whiskers. You will be able to run and walk on all fours comfortably" he smiles.

My front and back paws have pink pads and are covered in brown fur. I want to burst into tears but I don't dare.

They unhook me and I notice they put a cat collar on me that has my name and Louis address on it. They pull me and I hop down and I can easily walk on all fours. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Hours later I hear Louis voice from the other room and and I start to shake with excitement. But then my conscience got to me. What if he doesn't like the new you? He wouldn't because your worthless. He took you here to get time away from you. I cower in the corner and hide myself.

"Come here Harry" I hear Dr. Drazzer say. I crawl over with ease and I walk through the door. I hear Louis gasp but I don't dare look at him. The men stuff me in another cage and put me in the back of the car and I was greeted by the other boys who couldn't really see everything.

The ride was quiet all the walk back. The boys carried me into Louis flat and they opened the cage. I didn't dare come out. "Come on Harry we will still like you" Niall reassures me. I slowly crawl out of my cage and they all gasp but Louis who just looks away.

"Whoa that I soooooo cool" Niall squeals. All but Louis pet me and inspect me. They leave shortly after an I make my way to my cage when I'm stopped by Louis voice.

"Harry, come here" he says in a low tone.

I crawl over to him and I sit at his feet.

"This isn't going to change anything" he says while pulling me off the floor and into his lap. He snuggles me and I purr before drifting off into a deep well needed sleep.

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