Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

"Get up!" Dazzer says while pressing a button on his remote to shock me. God I hate it when I have to wake up to that.

"You get to show off your skills today to some boys who are willing to take you to their flat and keep you as a pet for my research" he laughs.

The only thing I hear was that I was almost free. I can finally get out.

"Oh and if you try to run..." He says before a needle is shoved into my arm and a flashing light goes into my arm. (Yes a tracking device like from The Hunger Games) "I will find you with this tracking devise" he smirks.

He puts the leash on me and walks me out into the training room and ties the leash to the pole when he leaves. He returns with four boys and they sit in the chairs diagonal to me.

There is one with blond hair that is obviously dyed, a tan boy with jet black hair, a muscular boy with chocolate eyes, and the last boy made my breath hitch. He has his golden brow hair quiffed and he had eyes as blue as the ocean I think because I have never seen the ocean before.

"I will show you how to take care of him and what he can do" Dr. Dazzer says while unclipping my leash and pressing a button on a remote pad as the training area starts to move in its familiar obstacle course.

I sprint off and I dodge all the spikes and I jump through flaming rings when I come to the worst part. I run across the beam carefully trying to avoid the big swinging axes. I make it a cross and I jump and twist my legs to break every 10 wooden boards before returning to the floor when Dr. Dazzer hooks my leash.

"We taught him marshal arts and life or death situations" he says. "Now onward with punishments" he says while clapping his hands together. He presses another button on the pad and the obstacle course disappears and a table with all the recognizable punishment tools rest on. I glance at the boys and they all have their mouths hung open and fear on their faces.

He leads me to the chair and straps my hands to the chair before turning to the boys.

"First it the good old fashioned spray bottle" he says while turning to me and spraying it in my face. I hiss and try to get it off but he continues but stops shortly after.

"Next is the whistle" he turns and blows it as loud as he can and I his and fold me ears down. The boys look confused because they can't hear it. Lucky them. Note the sarcasm.

"And lastly the shock collar" he presses a button on the remote and slowly shows them each voltage up to ten and I want to scream so badly but I just dig my claws into the chair. He stops and I release my breath before I am inclined from the chair an pulled by the leash into another room.

"Just sign here and he is all yours" he says to the boys. They all sign and he looks at me and I sigh and crawl into the tiny cage in the corner and it I locked before two men lift me into the back of the boys car and I then finally get some well needed rest.

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