Chapter 4

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Louis POV:

"I really want to ask him but I don't want him to hate me" I explain to the boys while Harry is still sleeping.

"Hate is a strong word. He seems to like you the most" Liam says.

"How so?" I ask.

"He came out of the cage when you looked him in they eyes and he stood up and sat on the table even through we all tried before and he didn't budge" he explains.

"But still I d-" I start before I hear someone coming down the stairs. We all turn our heads and see a shirtless Harry with sweats on, rubbing his eyes and yawning in the cutest way.

"H-h-hi" he whispers while playing with his tail.

"Morning" we all call back. He walks over and sits on the empty stool. Right next to me.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Liam asks because he is like a mother to u all.

"Harry d-d-doesn't know w-w-what bre-break-breakfast is" he stutter out quietly.

"You don't know what breakfast is?" Niall says in shock.

"Do you know what lunch is?" I ask. He shakes his head no and I feel my heart break a bit.

"Do you know what dinner is?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Well breakfast is the food you eat in the morning to get you ready for the day. Then lunch is in the middle of the day to give you more energy for the rest of the day until dinner" Niall explains.

He tilts his head to the side in confusion and I coo at his adorableness.

"Well we have cereal, toast, or some fruit" Zayn says while grab in out the foods. he sets them in front of Harry and he curiously sniffs them. He then points to the cereal and Zayn makes it for him.

I stand to go put my plate in the sink when I notice hundreds of scars on Harry's back and ribs.

"Harry, what happened to you!" Niall gasps before I can even make a comment.

He stiffens and looks down at the floor and plays with his tail.

"Niall! You can't just say that. He needs time before he can t-" Liam starts.

"They did this to Harry" he speaks fluently. Liam snaps his mouth shut in shock. "they thought it was fun to hurt Harry. They took 3 of Harry's lives" he says.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. They took what?" I ask.

"Cats have nine lives. That means I do too. They already took 3 and my father took 1" he says.

"I always knew that cats had 9 lives" Niall whispers.

I walk over to Harry and I place my hand on his shoulder and he flinches but relaxes. I then remove my hand from his shoulder and rub his ears and he purrs at the feeling.

"Well we have to go Harry. We all have work except for Louis" Zayn says while the rest grab their stuff and walk out the door leaving us alone.

I clear his empty bowl and I sit on the couch and turn on the Telly. Harry walks over and sits on the floor by my feet.

"You can sit up here" I say while patting the spot next to me. His eyes light up and he smiles for the first time I have seen. My breath hitches because damn, he has the cutest dimples and his green eye don't help.

He climbs next to me and he snuggles into my chest and purr loudly. I giggle and start to play with his curls and he pushes his head to get more friction.

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