Chapter 9

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Louis POV:

"Louis, what. The. Fuck." Liam spits when I see him walk into the café.

"Let me explain. I swear it's not what it seems like" I says.

"Well to me it looks like you are just a selfish asshole who releases anger out on someone" he says angrily.

"That is great to hear as wrong as that sounds" I say, "but, Dr. Drazzer said he would be keeping an eye on me and I had to be 'rough' with Harry or they would take him back. Tomorrow I'm free to tell him the truth. Just keep him away from me. And tell him that I'm so so so so so sorry. I want to kill myself for what I did. God, I really hate that doctor" I explain.

"Are you telling the truth?" He asks.

"I swear I am. I love Harry and I wouldn't hurt him if I had a choice" I say.

"Fine, but stay away for tonight. He is taking it pretty rough" he sighs.

"I hate myself so much" I sigh.

"I'll tell him okay? But I don't know if he will believe you" he says while walking away. I nod an thank him before leaving a bit after.


Liam's POV:

"Harry?" I call as I walk through t flat door.

"What did you do to master? Do you hurt him? No you can't hurt him. Harry will be so sad" he cries out as he runs to me and hooks onto me with worried eyes.

"No I didn't hurt him" I chuckle, "Dr. Drazzer told him he was watching him and he had to be rough or try would take you back. He only did it to protect you" I explain.

"So master did it to protect Harry and didn't want to do it?" He asks.

"Yes" I say with honest eyes.

"Harry is happy to have Louis back. Can Harry go see him?" He asks.

"No but tomorrow you can" I say.

"Okay. Thank you Liam" he says while rubbing his head on my chest and purring loudly. I chuckle and scratch his ears.

"Um..." I hear Niall say.

I look up at him and he is standing there watching us.

I stop scratching Harry and he looks over to Niall and his eyes grow and he smiles.

"Niall! Harry has to tell you something" he cheers while running over to him and purring while he speaks.

Harry spills everything that I told him and Niall sighs with a smile.

"That's fantastic" he says while patting Harry on the head.

"Let's get some sleep. Harry are you comfortable sleeping on the couch. Nial, Zayn, and I all share a room" he smirks.

"Harry is fine anywhere" he nods. I grab him a blanket and I hand it to him an he curls up on the couch and instantly falls asleep.

I walk up to our room and Niall an I lay down and he snuggles up to me. Okay so maybe Nial, Zayn, and I are in a complicated relationship. It's not like a secret or anything...


Harry's POV:

I wake up and I remember that I get to see Louis again. I jump off the couch and run to Niall and Liam's room. I see Zayn, Liam, and Niall all cuddled together on a king sized bed. I jump on the bed and bounce around on it.

"Up! Up! You have to get up! Harry gets to see Louis today!" I chant.

"Harry go back to sleep" Zayn grumbles sleepily.

"Harry can't. He is too excited" I say while shaking him and sitting on him.

"Get you fat arse off me" he says while pushing me off.

Liam sits up and yawns only to be pulled back down by Niall and Zayn.

"Come on guys let's get up" he says while kissing them both.

"Fine" Zayn grumbles and sits up.

"I guess but you have to make me breakfast" Niall says.

"I always do babe" Liam says while kissing him before getting off the bed. Liam goes downstairs and I follow and he starts to make breakfast. I wait until it is finished and I was fidgeting the whole time.


"Harry gets to see Louis! Harry gets to see Louis!" I sing while getting out of Liam's car.

I run up to Louis door and I knock and I tap my foot with excitement. Louis opens the door only wearing his boxers and he has bed hair.

I jump onto him an he catches me and I rub my head against his face while putting loudly and swishing my tail in delight.

"Good to see you too Harry" he laughs.

"Your welcome" Liam says while turning around an driving off.

"Harry missed his master" I whisper while squeezing my arms around his neck even more.

"I missed you even more" he says. While walking me to the couch. I straddle his waist and he scratches my ears and I purr even louder, if that it possible.

"I'm guessing Liam told you?" He asks.

"Harry knows that master was protecting me" I say.

"What happened to your neck Harry?" He asks.

I pull out the shock collar from my pocket and he takes it and throws it against the wall an it breaks.

"You won't be needing that anymore kitten" he smiles. He pulls me closer and our noses are touching. I rub them together and I blush violently. I just kitten kissed my master. Louis smiles at me and looks into my eyes.

"Why are you blushing kitten?" He asks with a smirk.

"Nothing" I say while my cheeks burn.

He grabs my chin and tilts my head towards his. He leans up at I feel his lips on mine. He starts to move them and I gladly do the same. He pulls away for breath and he smiles at me.

"That's how we kiss, kitten" he says while scratching behind my ears once again. I really did miss this Louis, maybe I like this one a bit more...

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