Chapter 3

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I am awakened when I feel the cage being lifted and the boys shouting at each other to hurry up.

They get me inside their flat and set the cage down before the blond one lays down on the ground and looks me in the eyes through the cage.

"Hi! I'm Niall. This is Louis, Liam, and Zayn" he says while pointing to each one. "What is your name?" He asks. I open my mouth to speak but I quickly close it before pointing to the top of my cage.

"Harry Edward Styles" he reads. "Well nice to meet you Harry and welcome to your new home" he cheers while opening my cage and backing away a bit along with the others.

"Are you hungry?" Liam asks. I shake my head no but on cue my stomach growls and I blush and press myself further back into the cage.

"Come on. We won't hurt you" Louis says and I look into his eyes and I slowly crawl out of the cage and I sit on the floor with my knees to my chest, ears flat against my curls, and tail wrapped around me.

"Awwwww he's sooooooo cute" Niall says while standing up and I out of habit flinch and he walks over to me. All the boys do and I feel like they are going to gang up on me.

"Relax we won't hurt you" Zayn say with a smile.

I relax a bit and I unwrap my tail and I let my ears pop up and I hear Niall coo at them and they all do soon after.

"Can I touch them?" Niall asks.

"Niall! No!" Liam says.

"Can I pleaseeeeeeeee!" He begs.

I hesitate but I then nod my head and he squeals and scratches behind my ears and I melt into the touch an I can't help the loud purr that was capes my mouth. He stops and my eyes widen and I go back to my protective state and my eyes fill with fear.

"No I didn't mean to scare you. I just was so overcome by the amount of cuteness you are giving off" he smiles before scratching behind my ears again and I lean into the touch and I crawl over to him and he giggles.

"I think he likes me" he says after bit.

All the boys start to rub my head before they lead me to the kitchen. "You know you can stand up right?" Zayn says after I crawl to the kitchen.

I haven't walked with my legs very much. I was always forced to crawl the only time was when I did the obstacle course and that was for five seconds.

I look up at the and grab the kitchen counter and try to lift myself. I straitened my knees and try crack and snap with every step I take.

"Doesn't that hurt" Louis asks.

I nod my head and he pats the chair next to him and I eye it carefully.

"We aren't going to make you eat on the floor" he laughs. I nod my head before I sit at the table and Liam sets out some pieces of fish an a big glass of milk and everyone else got food and started to eat. I kept my hands in my lap and stared at the food and my stomach growled.

"Why aren't you eating?" Niall asks.

I don't make eyes contact and Liam pulls out a packet from his pocket and flips a couple pages and he smiles before placing the paper on the counter.

"Veti putea mânca" (you may eat [romaniam]) he says and I smile and start to devour the delicious food.

"It says he is only aloud to eat when he is given the commanding word of, you may eat, in Romanian" Liam says with amazement.

"I wonder what else he can do" Zayn asks with curiosity.

They read throught the whole packet when I finish off three plates of chicken and 7 glasses of milk before I am finally full.

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