Chapter 14

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Harry's POV:

"Kitten wake up"

"No" I grumble. Louis shakes my shoulders but I just curl up in a ball even more.

"You have to get up sometime, you can't sleep all day" he chuckles.

"Watch me" I grumble before cuddling into the couch even more.

"Fine" he sighs. I smile before drifting back off to sleep.


"How long did Harry sleep?" I ask once I wake up.

I don't get a response and I run around the flat looking for Louis. After searching the while flat I can't find him. What is he got annoyed of me sleeping the whole day?

"No. No. No. No. No" I say while pacing the floor with my claws digging into my scull.

"why do I ruin everything!" I run over to the wall and drive my fist right through the material. I ignore the pain and I start to slam my fists into the next wall. I loose all control and go on a rampage I smash almost all the plates, I rip the couch in several places, and I stained the walls and floor with blood.

I cower in the corner and look at my hands. My knuckles are all broken an bleeding, I have glass in my arms and back from when I fell after breaking the plates.

My thoughts are broken when I hear Louis put his key in the door. I put my head on my knees and start to rock myself back and forth.

"Harry I'm b-HOLY SHIT!" He yells. I whimper and hug myself tighter.

"Where are you Harry?" He says sternly.

Louis' POV:

I walk over to Harry and I squat down in front of him.

"Harry, what happened" I ask as calmly as I can. He looks up at me and his eyes are red and cheeks stained from tears.

"H-h-Harry th-thought y-y-y-y" he stutters.

"Shhhhh just breath" I try calming him down so he can tell me what happened.

"H-Harry t-though y-y-you left b-bec-because he s-sleep a-all d-d-day" he chokes out.

"Harry" I sigh before I wrap my arms around him and rock him gently. He leans into my touch and I start to pet his curls. I smile when I hear a faint purr escape his lips. I pull away after a bit and I look at him.

"Are you hurt?" I ask. He shakes his head no but I grab his hand an he cries out in pain and I look at it. His knuckles look broken and he has a lot of glass in his arms.

"I'm taking you to get this glass out" I say. He stands and I see the wall is covered in blood.

"Harry" I gasp when I see his back. It has large pieces of plates in it an deep cuts that are bleeding badly.

I rush him out the door and we are taken into the ER right away.


"Harry Styles" the doctor calls. I stand from the chair in the waiting room and I walk over to the man.

"He's in pretty bad shape but he'll be alright. He just need lots of rest to heal all those cuts. And don't let him open up his stitches" he says while leading me to his room.

I walk in and see Harry playing with his tail and he looks clean. He is shaking and I can tell they gave him a bath by the looks of his damp hair.

"Hi Harry" I say while pulling the chair up next to his bed.

"C-can't s-sleep" he says.

"Why not" I ask.

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