Chapter 4 - Mixed up feelings

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A.N.Okay I'm really sorry for the late update. I really am. Hope you all will enjoy it.

I was in class, bored out of my mind, staring at the teacher's back, whom was currently writing something on the board. My mind was occupied with Noah and all the things with Arianna. Well mostly Noah, his deep brown eyes, his once innocent looking face. I love almost everything about him even that stupid smirk on his face.

I was distracted from my thoughts by the person that has just entered the class and my heart, the person whose been on my mind all night and day wearing that stupid smirk on his face and his new found confidence. Walking straight to my desk without any care to the world, he stood right infront of me.

"What are you doing?" I said looking up straight in his eyes. Everyone was looking at us by now, with all the attention Noah had created.

He smiled that heart swooning smile of his and leaned down to my face level, and before I could form any words he crashed his lips to mine. I was shocked and frozen, but I could still feel that unmistakenably amazing familiar tingles all over my body starting with my lips touching his. I couldn't think and do anythin I was,frozen in my spot with his lips on mine and his hands cupping my face. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but the moment his lips touched mine, my consciousness flew out of the window as I closed my eyes feeling the kiss and the incredibly amazing tingles along with it.

If this is what it feels like to kiss him then I don't want to stop. Ever.


"Paris, Paris ,yew. . . get off me." And so my amazing moment was ruined by Paree's voice from somewhere close by.

"Seriously, I'm gonna hit you hard if you don't get off me."

And then like as if a lightning has struck me, I was wide awake and my eyes were greeted with Paree's angry eyes and me strandling her. I could still feel the tingling sensation on my lips and couldn't help but get disappointed that it was all a dream, a very unrealistic dream, but still looking at Paree giving me a murderous look with her eyes I couldn't contain my laughter. I was laughing like a maniac. Paree looked at me funny. I just ignored her laughing alone and got off the bed and made my way towards bathroom.

"What? Freaky dream about Chase?" was all I heard before I slammed the door close.


After we got ready, which didn't take long for us, knowing we had some talking to do with Ari. We walked downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast before school which, to my bad luck, Dad was already at the table taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning to both of you. Didn't knew you sleepover, Paree," he said looking at Paree and
giving her a kind smile.

"Ah. . . I thought uhh. . . I should sleepover cause' Paris is was alone and it was late." she said, looking flushed. My dad as a beta of the pack, and is an intimidating man in the eyes of Paree and Ari and the others, but to me he was a sweetheart, well, he still is. Sometimes, it's just that he is just a little bit busy. When I'm ready to tell him something going on with my life, he is busy and when he is ready to hear me, I'm just not in mood.

"Good thought. You should come more often \, with me being busy with work and Chase with his trainings, you and Arianna are all she's got." Dad said, looking at me.

"Dad, we are hungry and I'm not a 5 year old. I don't always need someone with me." I said passing a plate of food for each of us.

After having breakfast we said a quick goodbye to Dad and arrived at Ari's house. I texted her saying that we were outside her door.

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