Chapter 5 - My Knight In Shining Armor

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I was thinking of an explanation to Arianna about me and Noah. It's not like I can say I found out Noah was my mate a year ago and I on the spot rejected him. Well that will not go right. She won't be happy with me but that was what I did, right? It was the right thing to do that time and for now and in future. But she is absolutely against mate rejecting eachother, why go against what Moon Goddess choose for us our other half, our soulmate and our fate . Well, it's gonna be hard explaining all the things to her and reason for me actually rejecting him because I want to please my dad.

I came back home yesterday evening after making sure that Ari was alright for now. Ever since I came back from Ari's I've been thinking of a right way to tell her things about me and Noah. I missed school again today because I was too lazy to go or rather I was avoiding Ari avoiding hers and Paree's calls all morning and mostly avoiding a confrontation for an explanation to her about me and Noah.

I let out a long sign feeling a headache coming up just thinking about the right way to explain it to Ari. It's not her decision for me to accept or reject my mate when she is oh-so-stupidly avoiding hers just because she thinks all vampires are same. Like the ones that killed her father and other innocent ones. But she has much more great reasons then me to avoid hers. First of all, it's hard for her to accept that a Vampire is her mate which is so unlikely when on other side mine is a werewolf like us. Secondly, a Vampire had killed her father which makes it even hard to accept a Vampire as her mate but in my case I lost my mother at a very young age and my dad had been an important person for me and I don't want to let him down on one thing he wants with me. Thirdly, that stupid vampire didn't even tried to follow her and confront her he had not even tried to contact her at any means which only shows that he is also avoiding her like she is avoiding him while mine had gone for a year and came back all changed and still I can't accept him.

Why am I even comparing our reasons for not accepting our mate in the first place. Right I'm trying to find a good enough reason to give her for me not accepting Noah, my mate.

Do you know the situation where you know your reasons for the things you've done was the right thing to do but still couldn't get off the guilt you feel for doing that? That was how I was feeling. I hurt Noah so as not to hurt my father, but was it cruel of me to think about my dad before my mate?

I was in my guilt filled moment when my phone rang to the familiar ringtone of one of the Taylor Swift song. I picked it up without even looking who was it. I was just done with ignoring just so to avoid guilt that I was feeling.


"Hey, why weren't you at school?", Chase soft voice asked from the other end. I was even more guilty now I didn't even think of him pretty much occupied with Noah but I can't ignore the fact that I do care for him a lot.

" up late.", I lied. I can't tell him I was just avoiding everyone.

"Are you sick? Wait I'm gonna be right there. Your at your house right?" ,he said concern evident in his voice.

"No Chase I'm not sick. You can come by after school."

"Are you sure?"

"Yup. See ya later."

"Bye. Love ya."

I ended the call without even replying. I can't say I love you too to him when I'm obviously in a denial. It's getting harder and harder for me to keep going on like this now with Noah back here. I don't know how long could I hold my feelings for him if I had any.

I got up from the bed to take a quick shower and get dressed before Chase arrive here. I was exactly not in my best looks my hairs were out in all places tangled and all and I was wearing an old t-shirt that was big enough to drowned me in, it was my dad's , with shorts. I don't even know how my face was but I was sure my eyes were red and had dark circles under them with all the lack of sleep I had.

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