Chapter 9 - Pack house part 2

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This chapter is dedicated to my amazing editor. Thank you so much for editing my chapters and so generously helping me out.

Don't forget to read the A.N. at the end.


"Hey, what is taking you so long?" Emee said coming to the kitchen.

"Uhh...nothing. Just took long to find these." I said nodding towards the glasses box in my hands.

"Aw..I should have told you where they were. Okay let's get going everything is ready outside." She said pulling me out of the kitchen.

Chapter-9 Packhouse Part 2

It was already starry dark when we got outside. Lights were lit all around the backyard making everything look sparkly, bright and absolutely beautiful, cool air was blowing after a hot day just right for a warm night neither hot nor cold. I looked around for my friends but only saw Paree near one of the food table and made my way towards her.

"What took you so long?" she asked me as she was piling her plate with foods.

"I couldn't find the glasses." I said grabbing a plate for myself and piling it with foods too.

"Really?" she said giving a glance at me. "I saw Noah walking out of the kitchen." She added waiting for me to say something.

I gave a sign looking at her, "He said he wants a chance. He can't let me go without a fight. It's all getting totally messed up and complicated than it already is Paree. I don't wanna talk about it. I just want to dance this night off. So, where's Arianna?" I said desperately in need of a change in subject when we finally found a place to sit. I looked around for a familiar dark haired girl but couldn't find her.

"Don't worry you'll be fine and she is with Ed." Paree said munching on her foods and gave me a pat on the shoulder


We heard music playing at the background so when we finished eating, Paree grabbed me saying "Let's, dance this night off." and we made our way to the group where others were dancing. I started dancing with her forgetting all my worries and problems atleast for some time. I should atleast enjoy some moments of my life, right. After some catchy dance songs, a slow song started playing and couples started holding eachother, swaying with the music. I saw Arianna and Ed dancing and other couples around them, however they were just looking at eachother like they were the only persons. You could guess how totally in love they were just looking at the way they looked at eachother. It's like looking at them you can't help but feel jealous and wish for the same kind of love. I saw Ed whispering something in Ari's ear which made her blush and smile shyly at him. Seeing them I don't know how I should be feeling. Should I be selfish wishing to be with Noah my mate just like Ari is with Ed or just accept my fate with Chase, that's what everyone wants, right? Does being with your mate really make you that happy and content that Ari is now? That your whole world will start revolving around them, you are at ease when you're with them and all you do is want them and to be with them. Atleast that's what they say feels to be with your mate not that I would know.

"Hey beautiful, can I get this dance with you?" I feel a pair off arms wrapping around my waist from behind. I turned around towards Chase looking down at me with his stunning blue eyes.

"Sure." I said kissing his cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around Chase's neck and Chase pulled me closer to him his hands on my waists and we started swaying with the music making small talks and sharing small smiles. I don't know how it feels to be in the arms of your mate but I do know that I feel safe and loved in Chase arms and Chase may not be my mate but he has always been what I had wanted in a mate. And I couldn't be luckier to have that.

"I have to tell you something." Chase whispered in my ears.

"What?" I said looking up at his face.

"I wanted to announce you as my mate infront of the pack." He said looking somewhat nervous holding my gaze.

"Chase everyone in the pack think we are mates." I whispered stating the obvious.

"No, I want to make this official seeing as I'm going to takeover in a month now in my eighteenth birthday as an Alpha and you're gonna be my Luna." He said looking at me seriously with those concentrated eyes. I knew how important it was for him just by looking at his expression. My heart skipped a beat when he said Luna. I wasn't sure how I was going to fulfill my responsibility, being a Luna meant at lot more than you can think. And to top it all of I wasn't even Chase's true mate.

"I don't know Chase. I don't think I'll be able to..."

"Paris, you will totally be fine. I know we are not true mates and you might think that you are not good enough to be a Luna but I know, I have known you since very young, I know that you are a kind hearted and strong girl who is just wonderful in every way. No one will be as better Luna as you will be. You are perfect for me." He said caressing my cheeks and looking at me with his honest and truthful eyes. It was like he always knew the right thing to tell me. And that was one of the things that I loved about him. It was one of the reasons that I fell in love with him.

We walked on the stage my hands holding Chase's towards the Alpha and Luna his parents who were already there. I saw my dad beside our Alpha, Chase's dad. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and gathered around the stage like place waiting for us to speak. I may seem calm and composed to others but I was anxious and nervous as hell, my hands sweating from all the nervousness. Chase just looked at me squished my hand that he was holding and gave me a heart warming smile that seems to make me forget my anxiety and help me relax a bit. Chase nodded towards the crowd.

Our Alpha stepped on the stage giving a speech of his own to the pack. He gave updates on what's going on in the pack and rouges that are spotted at our border and some other stuffs going on in the pack. Then, he nodded towards Chase, "And now my son wants to make an announcement here."

Chase stepped front taking his place, "You all know that I'm going to soon takeover as Alpha on my eighteenth birthday which is one month from now." He started with his announcement.

"And I wanted you to introduce my future Luna. As you all know my mate, Paris Salvatore." He wrapped his arms around my waist taking me by his side. Cheerful applause could be heard from the crowds. I saw Paree, Ed and Arianna smiling up at me from the crowd and I smiled at them. I got a feeling that someone's staring at me and looked towards the familiar looking beautiful brown eyes of my true mate who seemed to be in a state astonishment taken aback by the declaration looking at me. Then he turned and walked away making me feel the worst. The smile on my face vanished when I realized what I have done. I looked towards Chase and he was smiling looking at the crowds and he then looked at me placing his hand on my face. At that exact moment I'm couldn't help but get the feeling that I'm a horrible person on this entire planet. I was hiding the truth from Chase who had been nothing but honest with me and I was hurting my mate who didn't even deserve a mate like me.

A.N.:- Hello my lovely readers, I know it's been long since I last updated but I'm in the middle of my exams and I still have one today and two more left. Be glad that I took my time and wrote this chapter in my exam time. I turned eighteenth today so YEAH!!! :D (September 25th).(Sigh*) Next chapter will be up after my exams. Take care.

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