Chapter 16 - How I've missed them

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The next day when I woke up I could feel my body aching. I could feel my fingers, my hands and my legs. It felt like as if I have gone this whole week without my body all I felt was numbness and now it was as if I was back in my body.

I tried to open my eyes and I was almost blinded by the bright lights. After my eyes adjusted the lights I could finally see the room I was in. It was all white in colour dull and boring.

There was a table nearby with a fresh vase full of my favourite flowers. I could hear the beeping sound nearby which was my heart monitor.

I was restless after lying down here for so long. I wanted to stand and walk or better run. And since the incident I haven't felt my wolf at all as if she was not there, it was weird.

I glanced down at the cut in my wrist and it was all bandaged up. I didn't feel a thing I guess it was all healed after all I've been here for 2 weeks maybe more. I was restless and somehow disappointed.

I always thought the first one I would see when I woke up would be Noah but he was no where in sight. I've always felt him near me when I was in coma. But finally when I woke up he wasn't there. And I couldn't help but feel disappointment. It wasn't like it was his fault but somehow I still felt upset over it.

I felt someone coming closer to my room. The door of my room opened and my dad stood at the entrance looking shocked. I mean I was smiling over at him awake and alive. So when he got over his shocked state he came over me and hugged me tight in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Paris. I'm really sorry I don't know where to start. I have been too busy I guess. I mean I've never tried to understand you and your feelings. And I know I haven't been much of a dad to you. I didn't even knew you were feeling that way. And you might feel like I don't love you but I do love you. You're the only thing thats closest to me which reminds me of your mom. And I nearly lost you like I lost her." He said with teary eyes and obvious guilt that he felt.

My dad had never been the man with much words. He always had been emotionless and he had never showed much emotion or his feelings like this. It melt my heart hearing those words from him. Atleast he is trying and that somehow made all the anger and disappointment I felt for him disappear.

"I'm sorry too, dad." I crocked out. My voice sounded raspy after not being used for this long. My dad took a glass of water which my near the table and handed it to me. I drank a glass full of water in one gulp only then I realised how thirsty I was.

My dad and I were talking when the door swung open and there came my bestest friends ever running towards me. There faces were lit up with happiness which made me smile. They hugged me tight that it was nearly hard for me to catch breathe.

"Can't breathe." I teased them only then Ari stopped hugging me and looked over at me with concern.

"I'm so sorry." She apologised like she somehow hurt me and took Paree off of me too. They were both smiling from ears to ears and there happiness was somehow contagious. It was until Paree's mood turned a complete 180 and looked over at me with mixed emotion of anger, hurt and relief.

"Don't ever do that to us again, Paris. You know we are always there for you no matter what. If your happy you tell us. If your sad you tell us. It's how its always been and it always will. You should get it through your head by now." She said glaring at me but with obvious love and care for me in her eyes. The words she said to me made my heart warm.

"And Ari is annoying to deal with when your not around." She added with a little smirk teasing Ari.

"Shut up." I heard Ari muttering.

I watched Paree and Ari bickering with eachother. My dad sat at the chair at the corner reading some magazines with a calm and relief face. I know he have been worried about me these past weeks as well as Paree and Ari. After seeing them like this only then I realized how I've missed them.

I knew I always had them when no one was. They have always been there for me through thick and thin and they always will.

I wonder why did I ever thought about dying when I had these two with me always there for me. I know I can live when I had them with me and I was too naive to realise that I would somehow be hurting them too with my stupid decision of killing myself. Harsh.

In the times when we are going through a lot we only see the negativity in our life and somehow it makes us feel more depressing and we forget about all the positive things that had happened and could happen in our life.

We always felt like we have no one there for us when we are going through the bad times. But what we don't realize is that there is always someone who will always be there for us we just don't realize it. And in my case they were there for me and even Noah.

A.N: Let me tell you this is like the second time I'm writing this. This chapter was done much earlier but somehow it got messed up deleted and I have to write it out like AGAIN. So this not a quite satisfying chapter. And its kinda a filler chapter. So who is excited to see Noah in the picture again??? I am.

Don't forget to




Stay healthy.

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