Chapter 19 - and there we are again

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"Where have you been?" I asked again.

"I missed you.", he whispered out of the blue. I could feel my heart pumping blood at an uncertain speed and my cheeks probably resemble a tomato if it hadn't been so dark in here.

"Me too." I said.

Chapter 19

We were both breathing fast and hard by the time when we pull apart from eachother. My tummies were still in butterflies from the kiss not even a minute ago. Noah was there infront of me his chocolate brown eyes looking at me with so much intense I felt myself swooning just from the sight of him.

"I've missed you. So much." He whispered looking right into my eye.

I could barely breathe after the effect of our kiss and the intensity of his words and how sincere he sounded. I wanted him to know how much I have missed him too.

"Huh " there was so much I wanted to say to him so much questions that I wanted to ask him and tell him that I missed him just as much and all but all I could give was an akward huh. Who in their right mind would do that. Right its me whose not in the right state of mind. And the closeness of our body wasn't doing any good to my stuck up mind.

"Lets go somewhere else. I have to talk to you." He wanted to talk to me. Happiness and nervousness engulfed me when he said those words. He wanted to talk to me about what. Is he going to say he doesn't want to do anything with me. What will I do if he ever said that. I stopped myself from thinking more and saving myself from these self conflicting thoughts which would cause me more pain.

Noah must have noticed my hesitation because he said it was nothing to worry about he just wanted to catch up with me. I was immediately warmed by his behaviour. Even when I was a heartless bitch to him he still cared for me. That he was a kind, caring and loving person and I don't how I ever get so lucky on fate for choosing him as my mate.

After struggling through the mess of people we finally got out of the club outside in the fresh air hand in hand. The cool air cooled down my body making me shiver at the sudden cold. We let go of our hands when we got outside, it was akward all of a sudden now that we were alone. My mind stopped working and I couldn't think of the right word to say to him. Its like all the things that I've wanted to say to him were all vanished into thin air along with my mind.

"How are you?" Noah said gently looking over at my face. When he said that I felt all the emotions that been building inside me come at the surface.

"Seriously Noah. Where were you?" My voice cracking at the end. I was holding my emotions all that I felt for him.

"I know you were there for me when I was in coma. I felt you everyday. I heard your voice talking to me. I heard it all when you said how much you love me. But when I finally woke up and I wanted to see you there right by my side you were just not there."

I couldn't hold the tears that were falling down from my eyes ruining what little make up I had done. Noah didn't make a move to get any closer to me. I felt rejected probably how he had felt back then.

"I'm sorry , Paris. I thought when you will wake up you would not want me to be there. You never wanted me. I was just saving myself from getting hurt again. So I ran away. I couldn't be near you and not be with you. I couldn't bear to look at you getting heart broken over Chase's finding his mate. I just couldn't watch you get hurt and me not being able to do anything about that. I don't know why I still feel this way about you when whatever this mate bond between us is over. I still love you."

Wow. I was speechless. All this time he thought that I was heart broken over Chase when I was far over with it. But he didn't know that and it was not his fault. I guess I never got the chance to appreciate him as my mate. I never got the chance to tell him how much I appreciate him being there for me when I was in coma. He doesnt even know that all this time I have loved him even when I was trying to supress my feelings for him.

Even after I tried to suicide over my depression he was there for me. He was there for me when I was in coma talking to me not knowing I was listening to every words he said to me. And he didn't need to say it I knew how much he loved me. Actions speak louder than words.

"I don't know how to tell you this. But all those days when you stayed with me while I was in come made me realise how much of a dumb I was for ignoring your love and rejecting you. It made me realise my deep buried feelings for you. And I wouldn't deny that I loved Chase I still do. But we weren't meant to be. It was you who was choosen for me. My soulmate and my other half and I couldn't accept you as you were back then. And I regret everything that did back then which hurt you. And I know it sound stupid but you were the first person ai wanted to see when I woke up." I said what I wanted to tell him the day I woke up from by coma.

I couldn't keep my emotions inside me anymore. I have to tell him how I feel about him I have to tell him everything.
"When we first met that day my heart skipped a beat knowing that you were the one for me. Its like I knew you even when I really didn't knew you at all. I let you go back then. But now after all this time I know I will forever regret it if I ever let you go again."

I have to take my chance now chance at being truly happy with my soulmate.
"I'm Sorry Noah. But Please don't ever leave me alone." And I hugged him which he seems suprised for a minute but wrapped him arms around me. The sparks I felt where nothing compared to how I felt inside when he returned my hug, wrapping me tightly in his arms.

And I don't know how long we stood there but it felt like forever.

A.N.So how do you like the chapter? Let me know your thoughts on this. And this book is coming to an end one last chapter left.

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