Chapter 11 - And there was I

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A.N. Finally got a chance to write. It's really hard getting time to update when you have a job and college and to top it all off exams. So I'm done and over with my exam. For now atleast. Thank you very much to everyone who took their time to read my last chapter. So here goes another enjoy. :)

It was 1:00 am and I was still wide awake with my puffy eyes thinking of Chase. My wolf howling in pain for her mate while I was feeling absolutely empty and lonely and cold. It hurts thinking over the words that Chase had said before he walked away. It was then that I now realize how it feels to be rejected by someone you care so much about. How much it hurt you to hear those cruel words from a loved one.

This was not the first time Chase and I had fought over things. But this was something big we've ever fought about. And I knew Chase, he would be apologizing for his words very first the next morning if he is in fault. But what makes me sad is the fact that he truly deserves someone and that someone being his true mate. I can't help but think of what if's and what if Chase finds his mate someday what about me? what if I hadn't rejected Noah and told everyone about him and more what if's. And there I go again with my thinking again which never seems to settle the whirlwind of my mind.

I was wide awake laying on my back lightning from the storm making my room bright for a while then again dark. I turned on my lights realizing I won't be going to fall asleep no matter what. I just can't fall asleep.

I sneaked out of the house not that anyone was there with dad still being at the packhouse like all the others. I began walking towards the direction of Derek's house where Noah is supposed to be at. I just hoped Derek hadn't comeback from the packhouse.

I got outside the front door of the house after my 30 minutes walk in the pouring rain. I was wet from head to toe and shaking due to cold. With my shaking hand I rang the bell that was on the left side of the door. I waited for a response putting my arms around my body to get some heat in my shaking body. Even though I was a werewolf I was still cold.

I heard footsteps approaching the door so I braced myself for the outcome. As soon as the door opened we both stood and looked at eachother. He seemed shocked.

"Hey" I said in a small voice trying to meet his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" though he was curious he masked his curiousness from his voice making it cold.

"I-I couldn't sleep. without apologizing to you. I -I just want to apologize." I said looking at him noticing his features noticing the dark circles in his eyes obviously he hadn't been getting enough sleep.

"You don't need to apologize." I looked up at him. I knew he was angry and hurt and looking serious making him look so mature.

"I knew you wouldn't be coming back to me after you rejected me. I just hoped you do." He said with a broken look on his face which made my heart ache.

"I'm sorry." I said taking a step closer to him. "I really am sorry." I said my voice breathless from the close distance between us. I can feel my wolf at ease around him.

"You should dry off otherwise you might catch cold. Come on." he said catching my arms and dragging me into the house shutting the door on his way. His warm hands that was on my arm gave a warm feeling along with that unmistakable tingle and sparks I feel whenever we touched. He left me to go fetch some dry clothes for me. I was standing in the spacious living room looking around. It looked totally from the night of the party where everything was cleared up to make a dance floor with dim lights and all. He came back with a t-shirt and a trouser and handed them to me.

"Bathroom's that way. Come to kitchen after you change." he said and walked away which I assumed towards kitchen.

I found the bathroom and changed into the clothes Noah gave me. I looked at the mirror looking at myself. My face and hair not in their best condition. The clothes Noah gave me were probably his and were too big for me. I folded the trouser so that I won't trip over them. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way over to where Noah had earlier leaving my wet clothes in there.

I saw Noah at the kitchen stool. I sat down at a stool awkwardly tugging at my clothes. Noah keep a mug of hot chocolate in front of me and one for his own and sat opposite of me looking at me all the way. I could feel myself getting nervous from his gaze. I couldn't form a coherent sentence.

"Uh..." I shifted uncomfortably loss at words to what to say to him.

He chuckled at me and shakes his head looking at me.

"I can't believe I can make you nervous. One year before I would have blushed and melted just looking at you from far. I used to be the shy guy always nervous and all. You always had that confident aura with you that was so cool about you. And now here you are that confident girl blushing infront of me." He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

I was speechless for a moment until I realized his words.

"I do not blush." I said with determination because I really never blush though I was feeling my hot cheeks. Why is it that all of a sudden it is so hot in here. Fanning my face with my hands for some air. I looked Noah and he burst out laughing at me. Now this guy really know how to get on people's nerve.

"You don't just have right to laugh at people." I said huffing and folding my arms around.

"Aw... you are so cute and adorable." he said pinching my cheeks still laughing making my cheeks burn even more. Surely I'm not blushing.

I couldn't help but notice him. He had grown a lot from last year. This guy right infront of me wasn't the guy from last year shy and all but was an indeed a handsome guy with his confident look whom any girl would fall for. He was carefree and at ease at the moment all the hurt and anger of earlier forgotten laughing infront of me. Looking so devilious and handsome. And yeah I just made up that word.

He stopped laughing once he noticed me staring at him. He coughed awkwardly and shifted his eyes looking conscious all of a sudden. I smiled at his behaviour.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed at you." he said honestly.

"Its okay. And your not the one to apologize here. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm sorry Noah I really am." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Its fine Paris." he said sounding like earlier cold and far again.

"No its not fine Noah. I know I rejected you without even knowing you. I never even gave you a proper reason. It was just so wrong of me. And I know its too late now and everything is turning so messed up. And if I have to tell you truthfully if it wasn't for my dad I wouldn't have choose Chase over you. It was like an obligation to me and I have always wanted my true mate but I just couldn't have him. Chase and I we were together back when we were kids. We were pushed to be together by our parents and Chase was my best friend he knew me like no one else and Understand me and I loved him for that. And I was just accepting my life with him when you came around. I wanted to accept you and forget about my dad and Chase. but I just couldn't and being the weak and selfish person that I am choose them instead of you. You were never not good enough I just wasn't the one for you and I accepted that fact. After I rejected you, you just left. And over the year I grew more in love with Chase and then you came back. And I was confused with my feelings again. but after tonight I know what I want and I'm no longer confused with my feelings and I don't want to keep on hurting people with these mixed feelings. So I want you to do this Noah. Noah I want you to reject me too. It will break all the mate bond that is left between us." I said and took a deep breath.

A.N:- Tan tan tan so what do you all think??? What do you think about the confession of Paris??? Does she really know what she wants or is she just confused and what do you think will Noah do??? Will he agree to break the mate bond??? please do comment on this chapter it will make me jump and dance and I will know that even though a few are still reading this and it will make me happy :)

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