Unit 28

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Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

The meeting room was becoming way too familiar. Like every time since the beginning of the case, the pictures Dallas had taken had been spread on the table and the forensic results were revealed by Vincent Talley and Vani Singh as everybody listened.

When they were done, Zarah Mello continued with her own results, theories and deductions.

"On the kitchen table were several grocery bags and a huge dog food sack. Considering the amount of bags, I hardly see Link Maxwell bringing all of that home by himself. He doesn't own a car, so he most definitely walked home with all of these, which is impossible. This is what brought me to believe that Alpha helped him carry some of his bags home. I have located the nearest grocery store, it's a few streets down. I thought maybe Quest would want to check it out."

"I will." Quest agreed. "Anything else?"

"No. Alpha- or the copycat- probably already had gloves when they got to Link Maxwell's house because after analysing everything, we found nothing."

"Alright." Quest sighed deeply and massaged his forehead. "So, Link Maxwell's brother comes to his house on Thursday afternoon to give back the dog but then finds him dead, correct?"

Wade nodded.

"I interrogated him and he said Link Maxwell had been out the country for a week with a few of his friends." He explained. "So he took care of his dog during that time. I also talked with the friends he traveled with. They all had no idea of who could've done this and that nobody hated Link Maxwell. So, no suspects yet."

Tucker Essex had been awfully silent since Jesus' death. He had been working on other cases and only filed reports for Alpha's. He persisted on being present at the meetings, even though he wasn't doing much anymore. Quest believed it was simply because he wanted to be the first to drag him when he would fall down. He sat in his chair, staring and judging.

"Okay." Quest said. "Still no sign of K?"

"I'd be the first to tell you." Tucker suddenly spoke.

"Alright, thank you, Agent Essex." Quest replied sarcastically.

Tucker sneered.

"You don't realize it, do you?" He asked. "Do you seriously still think you're going to stop him?"

Quest frowned.

"Yes, I do actually." Quest replied sternly.

Tucker laughed again.

"I have been sitting here since the first murder and we haven't gotten any further." He scoffed. "There are only five people left for Alpha to kill. Five. We were at 15 a month ago. We have one suspect, which remains faceless. We have two DNAs, which remain unidentified. We have one dead forensic, an entire terrified population and a loose serial killer. At this rate, they'll all be dead in a week."

The silence that had settled in the room was deafening.

"I hope you realize it's over. You lost, Quest. He won. Alpha won. He knows how to trick you, he knows his way around you. There's no way we're going to find him. You were stupid enough to let him play with you, you sacrificed people, but now it's too late. You waited too long. If he got this far without being caught, he won't make a mistake now. You lost."

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