Chapter 10: Tour

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She stared at herself in the mirror, hating what she saw. Hated the way her body looked. How she fit into her clothes. All around she just despised herself. A sudden feeling of arms wrapping around her waist startled her. She jumped in fright, but only to sigh as it was just Sehun. He kissed her neck sweetly.

"You look fine, don't worry." He said softly, his warm breath tickling the base of her ear, making her smile with content. He always made her feel better about herself. He slipped away from her, pulling a small box out of his back pocket.

Jin-Ah stared with curiosity as his fingers fiddled with the top. Eventually he got it open, shielding it so Jin-Ah could not see inside. But, the sudden cool touch of metal met her skin and Jin-Ah could see Sehun was fastening a necklace around her collar. A black crystal on a simple silver chain.

"I figured a small present would make you feel better." He said once he was done, setting his hands on her shoulders. She touched the small pendant, smiling at it's simplicity. He spinned her around, placing another necklace in her palm. "And now you have to put on mine." He turned around, giving her better access to his neck.

She place the chain around his collar, fastening the necklace together. When she was done, he turned back around. "How does it look?" He asked. She smiled, leaning up and placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Perfect." She said. wondering why he was so capable of making her feel so happy. He pulled her out into the living room, where they pulled on their shoes, even though they were only going next door. They entered the hallway and Sehun entered the password for the dorm. He pushed open the door and went inside, Jin-Ah holding tightly onto his right hand.

As soon as they stepped inside, Jin-Ah could smell an amazing meal being cooked. Sehun pulled her along behind him as they made their way into the living room. Jin-Ah could see that some of the members were lounging on the couch, two of them playing video games. Three were just observing.

"Guys, I know you've met her before, but not properly. This is Jin-Ah and as of yesterday, we are dating." He said, placing his arm around Jin-Ah's shoulder. Each boy stood up, bowing and introducing themselves, although the shock of learning they were dating was written all over their faces. Jin-Ah soon learned all of their names.

The boys cleared a spot on the couch for the two to sit and they began getting to know the new girl. Jin-Ah tried to answer the questions to the best of her ability, but she felt pressured, wondering if she wasn't good enough to be Sehun's girlfriend and his hyungs wouldn't approve.

When dinner was finished, everyone sat at the table, enjoying a plate of Kyungsoo's food. When he cooked, everyone felt like they were in heaven, so when the food met their mouths, it was silent and you could only hear the sounds of chopsticks hitting plates.

Jin-Ah ate slowly and quietly. She wasn't used to eating big meals. Mostly ramen or something small like a bowl of rice and kimchi sufficed for her. The home cooked meal was different and she wasn't sure if she enjoyed the atmosphere.

The dinner was soon finished and Jin-Ah politely offered to wash the dishes. Sehun had begun to protest, but she shushed him and walked into the kitchen. She pulled on the rubber gloves and began scrubbing the dishes. She enjoyed the quiet room except for the rushing water coming from the faucet, so it was no wonder that she jumped when Sehun wrapped his arms around her from behind.

He sighed, placing his chin on her shoulder and burying his face deeper in the crook of her neck. The position was slightly constricting to her dish washing, but she allowed him to hold her, enjoying his warmth seeping into her skin.

She wondered why he was acting this way. Usual Sehun was bubbly and happy, but today he seemed, out of it. She hadn't questioned it, maybe there was something on his mind, but the thought sort of bothered her.

She turned around in his arms once the dishes were done, looking up into his dark eyes. His eyebrows were creased slightly, giving off a slightly sad expression. "Something wrong?" She asked and he shook his head, pulling her to him tighter.

He had motioned 'no', but the look in his eyes said something different. Jin-Ah sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. Usually she was the sad one, but it seemed roles had been switched.

Jin-Ah stayed for a movie, a comedy, which she had actually enjoyed, allowing herself to laugh once or twice. The boys enjoyed her company and thought she was perfect for Sehun to date. While he was loud and annoying, Jin-Ah was quiet and didn't talk much. It seemed like they were perfect for each other.

When the movie finished, Sehun followed Jin-Ah back to her apartment. Jin-Ah would've thought he would sleep in the dorm, but it seemed he had other ideas. It was like he didn't want to part from her side.

Jin-Ah got ready for bed, pulling her hair up in a high bun. She applied cream to her bruise and went back into her bedroom, seeing Sehun sitting at the edge of the bed. She sat next to him. "I need to tell you something." He said quietly and Jin-Ah nodded, looking over at him.

His head was bent and he was staring at the floor. "Go ahead." Jin-Ah said in her whispery voice. She couldn't go an octave higher. Always her small, soft voice. Sehun lifted his head and met her eyes.

"We're going on tour next month. For two weeks." He said and a sharp pain seemed to stab Jin-Ah's heart. Two weeks? Without you? She thought, though she managed to keep her composure outside.

"Okay, what's wrong with that?" She asked and Sehun sighed.

"I don't want to leave you. I'll miss you too much." He said sadly and Jin-Ah smiled slightly, the corners of her mouth just barely hinting a smile.

"It's okay, Sehun. It's only two weeks, it's not forever." Jin-Ah said, trying to find a bright side to the situation, although she was dreading the time they wouldn't be together. "Plus, we can always text and call, when you have time of course." She said, smiling, though her eyes were sad. She would miss him too.

"It's not the same. I won't be able to look at you. I won't be able to hold or kiss you. For two weeks." He said, exasperated at the idea. But, it was the company's decision, not his.

"Well, it's a month away, right?" She asked and Sehun nodded. "Then, during the days we have together, you can hold and kiss me as much as you want." She said. He smiled, happy that she was trying to be positive, but they were both silently dying inside.

It wasn't like they were breaking up, but the thought of having to be away from each other for more than a day caused a small crack in their hearts. Sehun pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist.

They shared a kiss, before climbing into bed. Jin-Ah rested her head against his chest and they soon fell into a deep sleep, planning to enjoy the month as much as possible.

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