Chapter 17: Lost Trust

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Jin-Ah couldn't comprehend what she had remembered. She had trusted Sehun, given herself to him and only to find out he had broken her heart, so much that she had tried to commit suicide. It pained her to look at him, to stare into the eyes she had loved only moments ago.

"J-jagiya, I can explain." Sehun said, his voice shaking and Jin-Ah guessed he already knew what she meant when she said she remembered everything.

"Don't call me that." Jin-Ah hissed, making Sehun flinch back slightly. "It was you, Sehun. You caused me to try and commit suicide. You broke my heart." Jin-Ah cried, her tears staining her cheeks.

"I-i know, but trust me, it wasn't like that. I had no other choice." Sehun attempted to talk to Jin-Ah, but she refused, butting in.

"Trust you? How am I supposed to trust you? For all I know, you could just be playing my heart again." Jin-Ah said bitterly, not noticing that Sehun's eyes had filled with tears also.

"N-no, I'm not doing that. I love you, Jin-Ah. I love you so much." He said, his voice getting caught in his throat. "Please, don't push me away. I promise to never hurt you again. I promise to always be the shoulder you can cry on. I love you."

She wanted to believe him, she did, but deep inside her heart, she knew she shouldn't. So, she didn't. "Get out." She said softly and Sehun looked at her in disbelief.

"B-bwo?" He asked slowly and she lifted her eyes to meet his.

"Get out." She said again, but this time more authoritative. Sehun gulped, a single tear from his eyes, before getting up and trudging out of Jin-Ah's apartment.

She heard the door close behind him and all she wanted to do was throw the door open and ask for his forgiveness, but she didn't. And she wouldn't.


He heard the door close behind him. And along with the door, his heart shattered in pieces, digging into his skin with jagged slashes. He whimpered, leaning against the wall and clutching at his chest.

Tears streamed from his eyes, dripping from his chin. Slowly, he slid down the wall until he was sitting, his knees brought up to his chest, his chin resting in the crook of his legs. He sobbed against the fabric of his jeans, not caring who heard him.

He heard someone walk up and place their hands on his back, rubbing small circles. "What's wrong, hyung?" Sehun recognized the voice as Suho's. He should've figured, since Suho was always the one to comfort him in hard times.

He lifted his head, letting out a small whimper. "I-i lost her, hyung. S-she hates me. I'll n-never get her back."


Jin-Ah stood, wiping the leftover tears from her eyes. As she wandered towards her bedroom, planning to sleep off the tragic incident, whimpers stopped her from moving any forward.

She approached the door, pressing her ear to metal. She could hear the sobs of someone outside, and no doubt it was Sehun. Jin-Ah sighed, her eyes filling up and already having dropped a few tears on her cheeks.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she had caused him to feel like that. His heart broken with how she had kicked him out of her apartment. A soft sob left her lips and she collapsed against the door, sliding down to the floor.

She dug her face into her knees sobbed as she listened to Sehun whimper. And then another voice joined the picture. "What's wrong, hyung?" She heard, lifting her head to listen to the conversation.

"I-i lost her, hyung. S-she hates me. I'll n-never get her back." She heard his broken voice, hearing the cracks in between. Her heart tore in half.


"I'm sure it'll be okay, hyung. She loves you, you love her, what's the issue?" Suho answered, sitting next to Sehun and continuing to pat his shoulder comfortingly. Sehun was shaking violently, and he wasn't able to form a simple sentence any longer.

He stood shakily, leaning against the wall for support. "Where are you going, hyung?" Suho asked in a hurry, standing in front of him and blocked his way.

Sehun sighed, another whimper escaping his throat. "I need to get out of here, hyung." He said, looking at his leader with bloodshot eyes. Suho was skeptical, wondering what Sehun was going to be doing, but in the end he nodded and moved out of the way.

Sehun sighed in relief and walked slowly to the elevator, pressing the down button. Moments later, the elevator arrived and Sehun entered, mashing the button for the lobby, hoping he would get there soon.

As the doors opened, Sehun walked briskly out into the cold air, only realizing at that moment that he didn't have a jacket nor his face mask. He sighed, but continued walking anyway, somehow not caring that people could recognize him.

Tears still spilled from his eyes and the sun was beginning to set. Dark rain clouds covered the sky, making it darker than it should've been. The rain began to pour, colliding with the tears on Sehun's skin.

He turned to cross the street, not seeing that the light had turned green. His footsteps pounded against the asphalt as he walked to other side.

Honk! Honk!

Tires screeched against the pavement and crash! 

Our Complicated Love Story |Oh Sehun| #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now