Chapter 19: Waiting

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A/N: Second to last chapter!!

Days had gone by. A week and a half to be precise. Jin-Ah attends school, returns to the hospital and spends her time clutching Sehun's hand, praying for him to wake. The doctors had noticed a change, more life to Sehun's face than before. More color to his cheeks.

They had explained he was doing very and well and wouldn't be long for him to wake up, but what Jin-Ah was wondering, why hadn't he already woken up? If he was doing so well, why didn't he respond and open his eyes?

Most nights, Jin-Ah would cry herself to sleep, grasping her pillows tightly, as she went home every night. She would lay awake for hours, hoping Sehun would somehow slip beside her, hold her in his arms again, but it never happened.

He never appeared, smiling and talking with that adorable lisp of his that Jin-Ah hadn't known she had loved until it was gone. She missed him terribly. His voice, his touch, everything about the man she loved.

She sniffled slightly, knowing her thoughts were making her depression flare, but she couldn't help it. Her mind was prone to negative things and when more awful things happened, it worsened.

The door opened suddenly and Jin-Ah turned, seeing Suho walk in with coffee in his hands. He smiled slightly. He spent most days in the hospital with Jin-Ah, keeping her company and also looking after his maknae. Just like a good leader should do.

He handed the coffee to her, a regular routine between the two. In three hours, Jin-Ah would walk down to the cafeteria to grab lunch for the two. "Anything?" He asked, plopping into the chair on the other side of Sehun's bed.

Jin-Ah sipped her coffee and shook her head, sighing sadly. "It's been a week and a half, Suho. The doctors said he's fine, so why won't he wake up?" She asked and Suho simply shrugged.

"I'm sure he's fighting." He said and Jin-Ah nodded, replacing her hand in Sehun's and curling her fingers around his knuckles. Suho took out his phone and began flipping through it while Jin-Ah stared blankly at the wall.

Minutes passed where the two said nothing, both doing their own things. Their days were spent like this often. No small talk between the two, because they had nothing to talk about. No similar interest beside Sehun, and it hurt both of them to talk about him.

Jin-Ah sipped her coffee silently while cold tears began to run from her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, before excusing herself and rushing off to the bathroom. No one was inside, leaving her to cry in peace.

She didn't like crying in front of the others, so whenever the tears started when they were around, she would run to the bathroom and cry in one of the stalls. She closed the door and sat awkwardly on the toilet top, bringing her knees to her chest and sobbing into her jeans.

Although the crying and the depression had gotten worse over the past week and a half, Jin-Ah no longer felt the urge to cut. It seemed it left along with her suicidal thoughts. It left when Sehun told her he loved her. Truly.

And she had been stupid to not realize he was telling the truth. She hadn't trusted her instincts and based it off of that one memory that no longer bothered her in any way. She sighed shakily as the wet droplets slid down her cheeks, collecting at the bottom of her chin and dripping off.

When it seemed she had collected herself, Jin-Ah exited the stall and pressed a wet paper towel to her eyes and cheeks, hoping it looked like she was only tired. She wet her hands a bit and splashed her skin with cold water, before returning back to the room.

When she arrived, Suho was no longer sitting in his chair. Jin-Ah shrugged and took her rightful place, before instinctively wrapping her hand in Sehun's. She kissed his knuckles, before laying her head against his arm and falling asleep soundly.

"Saranghae." She whispered before she fully let the darkness overtake her.


His world had begun to get brights, but he could still not see anything remotely. The blank room that was his mind was still incredibly dim. Everyday he heard their voices, Jin-Ah's and Suho's. The only ones he could recognize since had them memorized.

Feeling had returned in his hands, although he could not move it himself. He often felt someone wrap their fingers around his knuckles, but couldn't know who it was. Whether it be Jin-Ah or Suho.

He spent most of his time struggling to move his fingers or pry his eyelids apart. And so far, nada, Not even a wiggle. Ever since he managed to twitch his finger, there was nothing. It was rather irritating not being able to move, or speak.

He often wondered if death was better than where he was, but he knew death wasn't a choice he wanted to take. There were too many things holding him back. Especially the one he loved.


It was few hours before Jin-Ah woke. Her eyes opened slowly and sat up, her bone aching along the way. That always happened whenever she slept against Sehun's bed. It was uncomfortable to begin with.

She sighed slightly and stretched her limbs, her eyes trailing over to the clock which read 2:12 a.m. She groaned and wondered why she always woke up at a weird time. Thankfully, it was Saturday, so she didn't have to go to school, nor leave Sehun's side.

Her settled back to gazing at Sehun with worry knitted into her eyebrows. She stared at her finger gripped his and a smile slipped onto her lips for a brief moment. "When will you finger curl around mine again?" She whispered softly, holding back her tears with great difficulty.

She swallowed her sobs and leaned back in the uncomfortable hospital chair, thinking about all the good times her and Sehun had shared over the past month. It was crazy, they'd only known each other for a month and so much crazy shit had happened.

Jin-Ah almost died and lost her memory, Sehun getting hit by a car, it was just their complicated love story.

Before she could realize what was happening, tears were falling down her cheeks, staining the skin settled there. She pulled her hands from Sehun's and covered her eyes, sobbing quietly into her palms.

As she lowered her hands, attempting to wipe away her many tears, another hands came up and wiped them away for her. "That's my job, jagi."


It hurt Sehun to hear Jin-Ah cry every day. And he knew it was her because he had heard her cry before. To think that she was crying over him made his heart ache in pain and he wished he would open his eyes already.

He wanted, no, he needed to be with Jin-Ah and hold her in his arms again. His only wish. To be with the girl he loved the most.

All day, he had been trying, harder and harder than ever before, and still nothing. But, when he began hearing the quiet sobs of Jin-Ah sitting next to him, a burst of adrenaline shot through his body, managing to jolt him awake.

He struggled to open his eyes, the muscles feeling like they had frozen over, but eventually, the light filled his brown orbs and he adjusted quickly. He was drowsy, but still managed to lift up his hand and wipe away Jin-Ah's tears before she could herself.

He smiled slightly, before speaking in a low, raspy voice. One voice that Jin-Ah hadn't heard in a week and a half. "That's my job, jagi." 

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