Chapter 11: Pain

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A week had gone by. Jin-Ah and Sehun tried to talk everyday. Tried to have phone conversations, but with Sehun's practices, he was too busy or tired to even look at his phone. Jin-Ah spent most of her nights staring at her cellphone on the bedside table. She knew he was busy, but the thought of not having Sehun by her side every night sent a pain through her heart.

Her eyes began closing when her phone buzzed. She quickly looked at the message Sehun had sent her. She knew it was him, considering he was the only one who knew her number. She smiled at the simple message he had sent her.

I miss you. And I love you, jagiya.

Her heart skipped a beat. He had said he loved her. She sighed, feeling happier than ever before. But, she didn't have the courage to say it back. Not yet, anyway.

She sighed once more, sending him a quick message that she was going to bed. She wished he would rest more. It seemed the practices were taking a lot out of him. Sometimes, if he had space in his schedule, they would videochat.

Usually, he would have bags under his eyes and he sounded tired in general. She placed her phone back on her night table and closed her eyes, before falling asleep.


She ran after him, her hands grasping at his coat. "S-sehun, please. W-why are you doing this to me?" She finally grabbed a hold of his coat, making him stop. He briskly turned around, shoving off her hand and scowling at her.

"I can't deal with you anymore, Jin-Ah. You're pathetic, with your depression and all around personality. You make me depressed and I can't deal with your bullshit any longer. You want to kill yourself, go ahead. Go right ahead and end your life!" He shouted.

She flinched back at his tone and fell against the snowy pavement. Tears collected at the corner of her eyes and began to fall as Sehun turned around and walked away, leaving her alone in the winter wonderland full of heartbreak.


Her eyes opened and she sat up abruptly in bed, breathing heavily, cold sweat drops falling down her forehead. Tears were colliding with her sweat as she began sobbing loudly. She leaned back against her headboard and sighed heavily.

She'd been having dreams like that for days now and she hadn't told Sehun. She didn't want to worry him with the tour right around the corner, so she figured if she ignored them, they would go away. But, each night, they would get worse.

And they would all have to do with Sehun breaking Jin-Ah's heart. The dreams were torture, Jin-Ah's own personal hell. She sighed as the tears stopped, her heart rate going back to normal.

She knew Sehun would never do something like that. He wouldn't want to break her any more than she already was. Because she was afraid that if she went over the edge again, she wouldn't be coming back.

The urges to cut has ceased since that night Sehun had comforted her. She had actually thought about throwing out the knife, but in the back of her mind, she knew the urges would come back, and plus it held some sentimental value.

She decided she wasn't going to get anymore sleep, so she grabbed her blankets and shuffled out into the living room, turning on a movie and sitting back against the couch.

She jumped slightly when she heard her phone ringing. The thought that Sehun was calling her put a smile on her face. She quickly hurried to her room and picked up the phone. "Hey." She sighed happily when she heard his voice.

"Hey, why are you calling?" She asked. He sniffled on the other line. Worry crossed her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked. He sighed heavily.

"N-nothing. I just, just wanted to hear your voice, that's all. Listen, I have some time tomorrow. I need to tell you something, okay?" He questioned.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow, Sehun." She paused. "I love you." She said. A sound met her ears. It sounded like a sort of whimper.

"I-i love you too, jagiya." Sehun said, before the line clicked. She put the phone down, wondering why Sehun was acting that way. It was suspicious and unnerving, but Jin-Ah was able to push her thoughts away and go to sleep again.


She woke up the next day to someone shaking her awake. She sleepily opened her eyes to seen Sehun's smiling down at her. She smiled slightly, sitting up. She yawned, reaching her arms up in a stretch, when Sehun sat down and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

She hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms again. He leaned back. "God, I haven't been able to touch you for a week." He said, before leaning forwards and catching her lips in a soft kiss.

She smiled slightly against his lips. "Well, I missed you too." She said after he had broken away. He placed a kiss on her forehead, before lowering his position to kissing each of her closed eyelids. The tip of her nose. And finally, once again their lips met.

Once Jin-Ah had taken a shower, the two set out. Sehun had told Jin-Ah he had planned an entire day for them. A date. They started with a walk at a secluded park. Sehun was glad he didn't have to wear his mask.

Then a late lunch at a restaurant. And finally a trip to the bridge where people would buy a lock and lock up their love. They each signed their name, shared a kiss before locking it on the bridge, sealing their love forever.

Towards the end of the night, Jin-Ah noticed Sehun's mood was beginning to become somber. He would give her sad smiles and there was a look his eyes that was just gloomy. Like he knew something bad was going to happen.

When they arrived at Jin-Ah's apartment, Sehun looked like he was ready to cry. They sat in the living room. Sehun held Jin-Ah's hands in his tightly. He sighed deeply. The heavy breath escaping his lips. When he felt he was ready, he let go of her hands and stood up.

"I think we should break up, Jin-Ah." He said, looking down at her. She stood up, her smile faltering.

"Y-you're joking, right?" She asked and he shook his head, abruptly moving out her touch when she reached for him. "W-what did I do?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just, I think we should end it. This relationship is too much for me." He said, his expression cold, showing no emotion.

"W-why are you doing this, Sehun? Just twenty minutes ago you were hugging me and saying you loved me. W-why, tell me why?" She asked desperately, tears already falling from her eyes.

"You're too much to handle. You're a burden to me." He said coldly.

She shook her head. "No, no. S-stop it, stop. Don't do this. D-don't do this. I love you." She said, reaching forward and grasping his hand. He once again pulled away from her touch.

"I don't want to do this anymore, Jin-Ah. I hope you understand where I'm coming from." He began walking away, but Jin-Ah pulled him back.

"S-sehun, please. Please, don't, don't do this." He stopped and her legs gave out, making her fall to the floor. He looked down at her, still only the cold, hard look in his eyes.

"Goodbye, Jin-Ah." And then he walked out the door, leaving Jin-Ah alone again, just like in the dream she had feared. She thought they were fake. She never believed they would actually happen.

She whimpered, the sobs getting more severe. She wanted to die. She want to rip away her life and let the cold hands of death wrap around her throat, leaving her to fall into the pit of darkness that is death.

She now knew that Sehun never wanted her. He had just played her to see how far he could get. And he had succeeded at toying with her heart. Her now broken heart. The heart he had mended and then had torn into pieces.

All she was wanted to do was die.


I know, sad chapter. Sehun's actions will be explained. 

Anyway, listen to the song. it's beautiful and sad at the same time. 

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